PhilO wrote:Ok, I guess I have to jump in here since I just got one of these in D for part of my 60th birthday present. I had expected all silver because I too would think that would look better - I agree aesthetically to my eye it's either gold and black (brass and delrin) or silver and black, but not silver and brass. That said, it's actually rather cool in person - the brass is brushed to a nice lighter sort of shade and looks ok with the silver especially with the black delrin fipple. When I handled it and test played it (it's in secret place till my birthday, as my wife knows how bad I am with opening presents early), I never even gave more than a passing glance at the brass/silver combo thing because it felt and sounded so darn good.
I agree Peter, unless there's some sort of craft reason for not using a silver head joint, once one is paying for silver, why not the whole hog. And yes, this was for bling, a special turn on a great whistle for a special occasion; it really sounds not much if at all different from my brass Sindt and if it does likely due to the voicing and not the material. Also, I noticed that the head joint on the newer whistle is a good deal longer than that on the older one.
Finally, having even just a silver tube on a Sindt whistle at his prices is a relative steal compared to some other silver whistles I've seen and have. The brass/silver combo is different and kinda cool, so
jloug wrote:Eb Silver Sindt (this one has the standard brass head) in brand new condition. Lovely whistle. $140(new are $150 plus shipping) shipped USA
PhilO wrote:Ok, Tommy, I give up...why do you keep saying "hmmmmmm?"
Hmmmmm.... fair question. A long time ago I wrote in a thread Hummmmmm, and what I ment was ''hum'' as to hum a tune, well the hmmmmm...... stuck as thinking.
I think the chances of being electrocuted whilst playing an Eb Sindt in the bath due to the electro-chemical effect must be relatively small, but perhaps the makers should ensure that the whistle comes with a suitable disclaimer to cover themselves from a legal perspective.
My bathroom fittings are chrome and gold, but they came with the house, so I'm not guilty. Plus we're due to replace the bathroom next month, thus reducing the chances of electrocution. Well, when I say "we're due" of course I mean that we're getting a plumber to do the job and also extract most of the cash from my bank account at the same time.
Dear Doctor, I get lots of static electricity shocks, especially when I'm having a migraine. Do you think this whistle might cure that problem or could it make it worse?
MTGuru wrote:
Except if there really is an electrochemical reaction between brass and silver
There is the potential to a little bit of a reaction between brass and silver, but i don't think it's very much. If you look at a reactivity series, copper and silver are right next to each other with zinc being a few more spaces down on the chart Granted, the zinc content of the brass will play a factor, but the overall electrochemical reaction is probably not too great. Just as a qualifier, my worst area of chemistry is probably electrochemistry. Just my two cents.