Greetings from Dale Force One

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Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by Dale »

Daily I think about how rarely I post here and how much I miss it. I'm collecting the GoogleAds revenue, paying the rent (which exceeds the revenue, but I begrudge this not at all), acting as a 2nd string moderator, and participating in some metadecisions behind the scenes.

And before I go further, I want to express my thanks to the moderators and other senior members who are picking up the slack, and then some. Of late, MTGuru and Nanohedron, in particular, have been the backbone of the joint and I'm so very grateful.

I've received a number of messages from my friends here about my whereabouts. My professional life is busier than ever and I'm older and pretty tired at night. Some of you know I had a very serious pneumonia in April, and only in the last month, when I fully recovered, have I realized how nasty that was and how long the residual of the illness persisted. My mother's illness has meant that I am out of town much more often. Happily, although she is going to require 24 hour care, most likely, for the rest of her life, she is reasonably comfortable and getting excellent care.

I've also been over-committed in other regards, volunteer activity and such. (I promise to shut up in a minute.)

My wife and daughters are well. And Sarah, our oldest, is expecting a child in January. Our first grandchild!

At the risk of alienating a few, my interest in trad music has declined in recent years. I play a little, but very little. There have been a few long "chapters" in the music appreciation part of my life. I'm just in another chapter. I'm promiscuous--and undoubtedly shallow--in my relationships with musical genres. Genre. Genri?

Many of you know I've been working on my internet literary stuff and that's been both gratifying and time-consuming. The teen driver safety work has ramped up rapidly. If one Googles "parent-teen driving contract" my website is #1. #2 is Allstate insurance! My public speaking calendar is busier than ever and getting busier.

Another factor is that my own interest in the board as a posting member (as opposed to an owner/operator) has frankly declined because of my own decision to finally shut down the PROCT board and the religious discussion board. Particularly the former. I had unrealistic expectations for that, I know.

I'll be here lurking and I'll post from time to time. But, rather than just fade away without a word, I want to say that my life has been enriched by Chiff & Fipple in general and this board in particular. I've e-met many people who I admire and love and I will regard as friends for the rest of my life. I thank you all for your endless support and friendship.

Until next time....

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Tell us something.: Been a fluter, citternist, and uilleann piper; committed now to the way of the harp.

Oh, yeah: also a mod here, not a spammer. A matter of opinion, perhaps.
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Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by Nanohedron »

Dale wrote:At the risk of alienating a few, my interest in trad music has declined in recent years. I play a little, but very little. There have been a few long "chapters" in the music appreciation part of my life. I'm just in another chapter. I'm promiscuous--and undoubtedly shallow--in my relationships with musical genres.
This is a small thing. Others here don't follow Trad, for that matter.

That you not only dreamt but built this roof over our heads is more than enough; for here we are, still crowding the inn and raising holy hell, like it or not. And by the way, the candles at the windows must look inviting and the façade seem in decent repair, for new guests still knock at the door. :wink:

But do check in from time to time when you can! It's always a comfort. :)
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Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by fearfaoin »

Dale, there have been times when I wished
I had joined C&F earlier so I could have
experienced more Dale postage. Now it
appears I was just avoiding the wrong fora.

Regardless, good to see you and to know
all is fairly well. Congrats on the impending

P.S. Also, I kind of miss the newsletter, or
at least the humor therein.
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Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by MTGuru »

Dale wrote:I'm promiscuous--and undoubtedly shallow--in my relationships
I say: context be damned. There's the money quote.

Vivat diabolus in musica! MTGuru's (old) GG Clips / Blackbird Clips

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Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by crookedtune »

MT, have you considered a career in "lamestream media"? :lol:

Yes, thanks for checking in, Dale. You're an inspiration to all.
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Tell us something.: Been a fluter, citternist, and uilleann piper; committed now to the way of the harp.

Oh, yeah: also a mod here, not a spammer. A matter of opinion, perhaps.
Location: Lefse country

Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by Nanohedron »

MTGuru wrote:
Dale wrote:I'm promiscuous--and undoubtedly shallow--in my relationships
I say: context be damned. There's the money quote.

Odd. That didn't seem like such an indictment when I first read it. Still kinda doesn't. :wink:
"If you take music out of this world, you will have nothing but a ball of fire." - Balochi musician
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Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by Dale »

MTGuru wrote:
Dale wrote:I'm promiscuous--and undoubtedly shallow--in my relationships
I say: context be damned. There's the money quote.

Ooops. Good thing I'm not running for office.
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Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by chas »

Dale wrote:Some of you know I had a very serious pneumonia in April, and only in the last month, when I fully recovered, have I realized how nasty that was and how long the residual of the illness persisted.
I was there a few years ago. Sleep 10-12 hours, get up, try to eat a little breakfast, nap for a couple hours, have lunch, nap for a couple more hours, have supper, go to bed at 8. I listened to the radio because I was too tired to read or even watch TV. Now I wake up every day thankful that I live in the era of antibiotics. If I'd lived 100 years earlier, there's no way I would have survived.
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Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by I.D.10-t »

Dale who?

I've said it before.

Thank you. It's a nice forum.
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Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by brewerpaul »

Nice to see you here Dale. Even if you're not posting, you're always a presence in this community that you created.

Chiff and Fipple literally changed my life for the better. Without this community I never would have gotten as interested in playing whistles, and would never have started making them. Then, there are the many friends C&F has brought my way worldwide. Ya done good, buddy.

(BTW-- that hemorrhoid stapler thingie in your avatar? I got a demo one (unused) from the company's sales rep in our OR and I'll be modifying it to use as a Star Wars type futuristic weapon to go with my Darth Vader costume for a Halloween party this year :D )
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Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by Doug_Tipple »

Dale Force One, Dale Force One, Do you read me? Just want to say thanks for creating Chiff & Fipple. Over and out, your friend, Doug.
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Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by avanutria »

I can honestly say that I wouldn't be where I am today (which is a very good place), or have had the majority of the life-changing experiences of my last eight years, had this board never existed. Thank you, Dale!

And someday I'll make it down to Alabama again, and this time I'll make sure to stop by and say hello.
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Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by devondancer »

We too thank you for the place you created; a place that has made such a difference in both our lives. Good luck, Dale.
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Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by Dale »

chas wrote:
Dale wrote:Some of you know I had a very serious pneumonia in April, and only in the last month, when I fully recovered, have I realized how nasty that was and how long the residual of the illness persisted.
I was there a few years ago. Sleep 10-12 hours, get up, try to eat a little breakfast, nap for a couple hours, have lunch, nap for a couple more hours, have supper, go to bed at 8. I listened to the radio because I was too tired to read or even watch TV. Now I wake up every day thankful that I live in the era of antibiotics. If I'd lived 100 years earlier, there's no way I would have survived.
I hear you. I was awake, but irritable and foggy. (More than usual.)

Yes, my doctor told me that the pneumonia probably would have killed me in 1900, or in present-day, uh, much of the world.
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Re: Greetings from Dale Force One

Post by The Weekenders »

thanks for taking the time to update us. Ebb and flow regarding interests. You did start something that's been good for many, many people. Never forget it. And frankly, the two new mods are some of the best humans I have encountered. I even met one of 'em in person to verify it. Still hopin to meet the other one someday.
How do you prepare for the end of the world?
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