Law enforcement, scarey neighbors, advice PLEASE?

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Law enforcement, scarey neighbors, advice PLEASE?

Post by Sunnywindo »

A little concerned here, could use some practical advice on what hubby and I should do. Hoping someone around here has had an experience with a similar thing, or has experience in law enforcement and has some general ideas.

Details get a bit long, please PLEASE bear with me, as I really would appreciate any thoughts on this.

We moved into a townhouse style apartment building last summer. On the surface, it seems like a really nice neighborhood (and indeed there are some good, wonderful people around).

We live in a circle. There are two older fourplex apartments facing the circle road and each other as you come into the circle. Then there are three newer townhouse style buildings at the back round part of the circle, one with three apartments and two with four apartments. We live in the one at the very middle back of the circle which has three apartments. Even though these three buildings look similar, they are each owned by a different landlord.

Our apartment is at one end of the building. There is the middle apartment, which is on it's second tenent since we moved in. Both families seemed nice, but weren't/aren't home really often. The people living in the east end apartment were a youngish couple, no children. They, unfortunately, have prooved themselves to be far from nice.

Had a wierd/creepy gut feeling about them from the start, but on the surface they seemed friendly and decent, so I just figured I was being silly and overly paranoid.

When we moved in, we disvovered that the cable was hooked up. We just figured the cable company was slow in disconnecting from the last people who were here, so we gave it a few weeks. Still connected. So we called the landlord and asked if cable was part of the deal and she had just forgot to mention it. No, she knew nothing about cable, she wasn't arranging for anything. So we called the cable company, told them about it, and asked them to come disconnect it as we don't watch enough to make it worth keeping and didn't want to be charged later down the road for something we didn't order.

Aparantly, they had no record of any cable service at our place. It was hooked up illegally from the people before. They said they'd be out to shut it off.

To make a long story short, the cable company ended up cutting the wires because all three of the apartments in our building were hooked up illegally. The couple at the end had a fit, accused us of vandalizing the cable box and cutting the wires and how he'd used to work for the cable company and they "never cut the wires like that". He called the landlord complaining, we talked to the landlord and they said not to worry that they didn't take his complaint seriously. The couple at the end were doing some major manipulation and bluffing, "calling" the cable company to ask what was going on right there in front of us and acting like he coudn't get through (it was pretty obvious he was faking) and hubby called and got right though and offered the guy the phone to talk to them but the neighbor refused.

The disturbing thing was how upset they were that we had cared whether or not our cable was hooked up illegally or not and that that had resulted in theirs getting shut off to. ("If" it had been hooked up illegally which they only half way adimited to that it was.) They made it clear that they didn't think there was anything wrong with having the cable hooked up illegally and that we were "wrong" for not going along with it. :o

That was the beginning.

Then there was their music which they would turn up so loud that it would boom though and vibrate the building, rattle the windows and even wake up my napping baby at times. I called the city and asked what the law was on that. I guess it has to be heard from the street for it to be considered a "disturbance". The inside walls of our building are rather thin and the outside is a lot of brick which makes the sound muffled more from the outside, so you didn't often hear much from the street but it was sure loud on the inside of the building. Then of course, both of their cars were equiped with major sound systems which they turned up so loud you could hear them coming way before you saw their cars.

The music was nasty to, the kind of rap with the REALLY bad lyrics which made me feel sick every time I got a clear earshot of it past the deep boom of the bass. :moreevil: Got tired of it, after multiple times of the baby being woke from napping and visitors to my home commenting on how bad/loud it sounded, sometimes asking where it was coming from (when was from inside the building, car being rather obvious) and being surprised that it was that loud from two doors down. :oops: I wrote a polite note asking them to please try to keep it turned down a little and why. (Really nice, no threats to call the police or anything.) Stuck the note to their door.

In retrospect, I wonder why I thought that would help. After that, they would play their music for shorter periods of time but as loud and louder. Thought of calling the police, but the periods that it was that loud were almost always short enough (5-15 minutes) that I wondered if the police would get there in time while it was playing and what was to stop them from seeing the police turning the corner and just shutting it off? :roll:

Then they got a big black dog. They would leave this dog tied outside in the heat of summer with little to no shade and not nearly enough water. We felt so sorry for it, we'd go over and refill it's water and it would drink it all up so fast being really thirsty. :( The dog had nothing to do, would dig holes in the lawn, killed two nearby young trees by chewing on them, and would chew through it's tie out and get loose running all over. I caught it several times and tied it back up, leaving a note to let the neighbors know it had been loose (and needed more water). Didn't help. Called animal control. They came out and left a warning, which helped for a while. Then winter came and they started leaving it out more again.

They rarely cleaned up after the dog, which made the nice area of lawn around our building unpleasent for my son and the neighbor kids to play (between that and the ankle twisting holes.) The landlords didn't seem to care too much. Then there was this dogs barking. They'd leave it out there alone so long and it would bark at everything... very loudly.

Enter about this time a new landlord... and a while later the people in the middle moved out and a new family moved in.

The new landlord cares more and started trying to clean up the place (cutting out the dead trees, keeping things really trimmed up nice, etc.) They got after the neighbor about cleaning up after their dog, which helped for a while, but only a while.

The new landlord hired the neighbor to do some landscaping at one end of the property where lawn and sprinklers had never been put in as the neighbor has told the landlord that that is what he did for a living. Hubby works in home construction and sees people put in lawn and sprinklers all the time. His obeservation on the neighbor and the couple of guys he had helping in regards to what they did in putting in lawn and sprinklers was that they didn't have professional equipment, that they didn't act like they knew what they were doing very well, and that he (hubby) could have done just a good of job or better with what he knows about it. (Why I mention this? It connects later.)

Around the first of the year, after a night where they left their dog barking outside for an hour around midnight (woke both of my kids, had to move them into our room where it was quieter to get them back to sleep as the dogs barking could be heard so clearly from their room, the dog was nearly under our back windows) I wrote another note. Very simple, informing them their dog barks way too much, too loud and that they need to keep their dog in more, especially at night or we'd file a complaint with Animal Control. (At this point they'd stopped cleaning up after their dog again as well... major mess all over.) :x

We got a real hostile, bizzarely irrational letter back from them (why should I have expected otherwise at this point, but felt like we had to at least try something.) Basicly it told us to stick it... however, they left their dog out less often after that.

(Incidently, we are not the only ones who have complained about the dog and the loud music. That we know of, our middle neighbor has, and a neighbor in the end of the building across the way have as well.)

I wouldn't be typing this right now, if all it was was the cable thing, loud music, and a noisy dog. I just mention them to help better illustrate the personalities of these two people.

Neighbor mentioned to hubby (before we got on the neighbors bad side) that he owned his own landscaping company. Another time he said that he worked for a local landscaping company. Then another time, (he was complaining of the chalk drawings my son and the neighbor girls did out front) that he has more than thirty thousand dollars worth of customers come through here (his apartment in regards to his "landscaping business") every six months. (And that the chalk drawings were messy, the kids noisy, and that he didn't like them playing around like that, created an unprofessional impression for his customers.)

So his dog's noise and mess and permanent destruction to the yard was okay, but kids being kids playing around outside, being less noisy by far as the dog, no permanent damage- chalk washes off- was really bad. Oooookay then. :boggle:

Another thing that struck us odd was that if he had his own landscaping company and was running it out of his home (customers coming through his home as he said and talked of all the actual hard work said he did in peoples yards putting up fences, putting in lawns, etc.) then why did we never see any evidence of him actually doing this sort of thing? Nice little clean car and a bronco that had no room in the back for any sort of tools (was full of stereo equipment.) Nice clean clothes all the time, no evidence of dirt or hard outside work... except for that one time he put in the lawn for the landlord, then he was dirty all over. Kinda odd. :-?

A little last summer, and as time has gone on we've noticed the following more and more (a lot over the last couple of months). People coming and going at all hours, sitting huddled on their (this neighbors) doorstep or hanging off around the side of the building near the door if no one was home, just waiting. Sometimes, people coming to the door, but not going in, an exchange at the door (conversation and ? hand in and out) then gone, shut door. Often but not always coming in cars, some walking on foot, waiting if no one is home. Cars pulling up, driving away quickly, sometimes flashing their lights.

Lots of different cars, only a small handful of recognizable regulars. Gatherings with lots of cars parked out front (people inside) and staying really late into the wee hours of the morning three to five times a week... People coming and going not only out of the neighbors apartment, but out of the middle apartment (one apartment for sure, possibly both middle ones) in the building next door just right close to the end where the neighbor lives. Seen people go from the neighbor's apartment to the middle apartment in the next door building and from the next door middle apartment into the neighbor's apartment, hubby has also seen flashing lights from an upstairs bedroom to a car and back from the one middle next door building apartment... so it appears that whatever the deal is that there is a conncetion between our unpleasent neighbor and some folks in the building next door.

One car in paticular I thought odd. A really nice sports car, saw the neighbor driving it once, but the rest of the time I saw another fellow, and he was here a lot at all different times of day and night. What I thought was odd was the licence plate. Every plate I've seen has some kind of marking telling what kind of plate it is. For example, government cars often have a little GOV on them. Each state has their own plates at least indicating what state it is from. This plate was plain white with dark letters and numbers but the part that would say the state and perhaps have a little decoration on it, as to indicate what state it was from... that part was really carefully covered up with a white patch that blended exactly with the license plate. Maybe there's nothing wrong with that, just thought it was odd though... just plain white with only the plate number, why would someone go to such trouble to cover up part of their lisence plate? :-?

So the last few months, the new landlord has been trying to get this neighbor evicted. Aside from the property damage the dog continued to do much to the landlord's annoyance, they were having problems not paying/being really late on rent and refused to talk with the landlord about anything unless the landlord came to the place and caught them here. There was more, not sure exactly what though, but enough that the landlord got his lawyer and the courts involved. :o

So this month they finally had to get out. They were supposed to be out a few weeks ago and told the landlord they would. But the date came and went and they didn't move anything... even though they told the landlord they had moved a lot of their stuff. This last week, the Sherrif posted notice on their door saying they had to get out. Then and only then did I see them start moving stuff. Sports car guy showed up several times, hauling off a few boxes in his little car... never mind that there was ample room on the huge trailer they were using to move.

They were supposed to be out Saturday and when they were done, the landlord told them they were to leave the keys with us (which they never did). :roll:

Late Saturday night there was the car party thing with lots of people around the two apartments again. There were people parked out there til really late, and the neighbors car was out there all night long and still there in the morning. Landlord had to go out of town, so couldn't let him know. Neighbor was back in and out of there Sunday morning and night. Landlord got back in town and called us, asked about the neighbor and we told him they'd still been in and out of there.

Landlord called the police, and they came out to have a look. Come to find out, the neighbors dog is still in the apartment, and barks like mad at the police through the door. They leave and come back later... to find a "friend" of the neighbor's show out front and the dog gone. Hubby overhears the conversation between the friend and the officers... the friend lies saying that "oh, they've been out a long time, don't know where they are exactly, they told me Salt Lake... dog? Don't know anything about a dog."

Hubby approaches the officers after the guy moves off and informs them that the guy was lying and that the neighbors were in there that morning and had only just barely moved their stuff out and yes, the dog that had been in there belonged to the neighbors. The police didn't seem at all concerned, didn't do anything or say much... just said, "well, we're just going to wait and see what happens" and left soon after.

That night both him and her show up, each in their own car. (Couldn't miss them, she was shining her brights right in our front window and reving the engine, music going.) He goes into the apartment for a minute, she gets their mail, leaves. Very short, but very obvious.

Next day, landlord comes out, checks out the place. It is completely trashed. The dog totally destroyed the carpets. They clean up a bit and had someone change the locks.

That evening the police are out again... this time they post a warning on the back and front doors of the apartment. No one to enter without permission of the county police. Also, another notice directly warning our neighbors by name to keep out was posted on the front door. Anyone actually seeing these two trying to get into the apartment are to call the Sherrifs office... giving the name and the number of the deputy to contact.

Hubby talked to the landlord again yesterday. Apparently, both him and her (the neighbors) have warrents out for their arrest. :o Landlord told hubby that if he sees them to not approach them, that they could be dangerous. He said he has just found out about the warrents and how bad these two people were... wouldn't tell hubby what it was they had done but the landlord appeared pretty shook up and disgusted about it. They are coming out to do some cleaning up in the apartment this weekend, so perhaps hubby will be able to learn more from them then. We'd kinda like to know, since we're not exactly on our old neighbor's good side.

They've demonstrated that they are irrational, hotheaded, manipulative, dishonest, engaged in illegal activites and like to push things to the limit of what they think they can get away with. :devil:

Are they dangerous? Exactly how dangerous? Dangerous enough to warrent a change of our locks? (The old landlords used these neighbors to show the apartment to people when we first looked at it before we moved in. They had the keys to our place, and ample chances to make copies should they have wanted.) Dangerous enough to take other precautions? Anything we should/shoudn't do? Or perhaps we way over concerned? :-?

Last night I went grocery shopping. I came back about eight when it was dark and noticed the upstairs window was open and the blinds were open so as I could see into the neighbors apartment. The light on the stairs was on and I could see it illuminating doors both upstairs and down. The landlord had been out earlier and we knew that he had left the porch lights on, the upstairs window open a bit to air it out, and the blinds open. I figured he either purposly or accidently left the light inside on, I always accidently leave that one on, it's high up in the stairwell and easy to not notice during the day.

I was pretty tired last night and wasn't paying attention dealing with a sick baby, but hubby noticed a car that he'd never seen before, pull up to the mailboxes, get mail out of our neighbors box, then quickly leave. A short while later another car pulled up on the other side of the circle, that almost looked like our neighbors car but it was so dark and with the angle, he couldn't quite tell. The odd thing was that when it turned the corner into the circle, it turned off it's lights and slowly pulled up to park. Hubby got in his truck and drove out and around and back in. The car had no plates or license of any kind displayed... but it wasn't our neighbors and he didn't see who got out.

Then a truck pulled in, doing the same trick of turning off it's lights as it turned the corner, pulling slowly up next to the building next door where it was hard to see. It was really late by then, and hubby had a gut feeling that perhaps he should call about it, but he was so tired and not even being sure of who these people were, parking near and going into neighboring buildings he brushed it off and fell asleep.

This morning, as I came back from taking my son to school, I noticed that the upstairs window that was open last night was closed and the blinds were shut so no one could see in. No other windows had been messed with, except the screen loose in the corner on the back downstairs window like it had been popped out but not quite pushed back in all the way and the front window one has some damage like someone has pulled it off and on (whether these were loose from long before or just recently I don't know). The notice on the front door saying to them by name to keep out was gone.. ripped off.

Hubby called the landlord. Hubby said that the landlord told him that yes, he'd left a window open and all the blinds open last time they were there and would look into it.

Landlord came by a bit ago and talked to me, saying "don't worry about it, no one broke in, we've been messing with the blinds, they (the neighbors) are gone, sure they won't come back, doors are locked, no way they can get in." Kind of felt like he was patting me on the head like "There, there mam, no need to worry your little head about all this."

Our landlord is kinda like that, older and old fashioned type gentleman. I was sweeping the step and he insisted on holding the dust pan for me. Just that sort of guy, so I could see him not saying anything to me and perhaps limiting what he said to my hubby, not wanting to worry us or get us involved.

But we are involved to some extent anyway and I am a bit worried. There is still the matter of the folks in the neighboring building who are conneceted to our old neighbors and were involved in whatever they were doing... and there are still cars coming and going over there. Traffic is down a lot, but still there. The idea that our old neighbors might show up and be in and out next door in an uncomfortable one. :poke:

Then there's the matter of the warrents. The police who were out there that day (one was the deputy involved) didn't seem like it was of much concern and didn't appear to care that they'd just been lied to. But if there was a warrent for these guy's arrest, and they'd been notified several times that these folks were coming in and out of there, especially after dark and such... why didn't they just come back later, hang out in a shadowy place and wait for a little while? They could have arrested them already!

What about all the activity that has gone/is still going on? All the police would have to do is swing by at night, watch for a while and see the wierd light flashing and strange activity, which might lead them to checking a few licence plates and faces coming in and out of there, which might lead to, well... stopping some activity that from this end looks pretty suspicious. Perhaps there are some laws and stuff that prevent this sort of thing, I don't know how this sort of thing works, but it seems they ought to be able to do something. :-? Perhaps this sort of thing isn't worth putting too much of their effort into? Perhaps we are making more of it than it is?

It just rings alarm bells with me is all, reminding me of some neighbors I had as a teenager when we moved into some apartments in town. Same sort of thing... loud music, parties, cars and people coming and going, flash of lights.... They were arrested on drug charges eventually. Hubby says it reminds him of what he has heard about drug traffic/illegal activity as well.

Don't know what to do... police seem aware that something is going on (warrents), but haven't seen much action or concern from them that I would have expected. There are still the folks in the building next door, and that our old neighbors still have connections so close by and are having someone pick up their mail troubles me. Don't know if we should call the deputy and talk to him a bit more about it, or if they would even care, or perhaps they already know and are working on it, or perhaps they have bigger fish to fry. Don't know if this is something dangerous that we should/could do something about, or something that we should just ignore and leave up to the landlord and authorites to work out.

Don't want to bother the authorities if they are already dealing with it, or if it's not as big of a thing was we've made it out in our mind to be.

Got a family to look after, kinda worry/wonder about these sort of things. Wish I'd known about the warrents earlier, we might have pressed the issue more, get wondering if we should/could do something earlier... this has come to a head and really only grabbed our attention and clinched it in the past month and a half or so as to how serious it might be, but still.

Any sugguestions? :-?

Thanks for your patience reading, :) I know it got long... sorry, :oops: just worried is all and could use some advice or perhaps just some reassurance.


:( Sara
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Post by Nanohedron »

Don't know why the cops aren't following up on warrants for those two. I must say that drug sales immediately came to mind. Maybe you could notify the D.A.?
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Post by carrie »


Sorry to hear all this going on! I can't really offer anything very knowledgeable in the way of advice, but I tried to put myself in your shoes and here's what I think:

First, I'd be reassured that there's not really much reason these people would want to involve you in any way. Although they responded with some heat to your polite requests, it sounds like they did actually make some slight effort to improve, and I only mention this to say that if that's all that happened when they were dealing with you directly, why would anything worse happen now when they are not? Nonetheless, I think for my own peace of mind I'd probably have the locks changed, maybe even offer to split it with the landlord?

I absolutely, though, would go to the police station and tell someone everything you have seen. (Maybe Nano's right, maybe the DA's office too.) Maybe the police already know about it, but my experience is that the police really don't mind being "bothered" by citizens who are concerned, that they actually get a lot of really important information that way. If I did that, told the police everything I know and have seen, I'd at least feel I was doing everything *I* could to make some progress in resolving this.

Good luck, Sara!

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Post by missy »

Sara - the best thing for you to do is to form a "Block Watch" group with your other (sane) neighbors. Contact the local police and ask to talk to whomever is their neighborhodd liason officer - most departments have these. The officer can give you tips on starting a blockwatch, and also things that may help in this particular situation.

Unfortunately, a few voices or calls may not get action - but a LOT of voices and calls will.

We went through a lot, from kids shooting at us with BB guns, huge amounts of fireworks being set off on our wood porch, to having plain clothes officers sitting in our house "casing" the problem house. We had a special number to call so that information didn't go over the 2 ways (the family had a scanner and all activity would cease) but over computer. There were drug dealings, dogs barking (btw, the next time, don't take the dog back. Remove all identification and take it to the SPCA saying it was a stray.....) drive by shootings, parties all hours of the day or night, you name it. It took 5 years, and the worst of the offenders finally becoming an adult so he could be sent away for a very long time, to cure the problems.

Good luck. It's incredibly scary and frustrating when you are living it every day. "Push" the police as much as you need to, without becoming a troublemaker at the same time - a fine balancing act. But becoming a block watch will prove that you are willing to work WITH the police, not against them.


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Post by No E »

Change your locks--it's not that expensive and will give you a least a little more peace of mind. Setting up a Neighborhood Watch is also an excellent suggestion.

Good luck,

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Post by talasiga »

Dear Sara,
Frankly I am bored by all the other top 40 topics in this forum. So I hope you don't mind me coming into this one which is interesting. I have a lot of experience with neighbours - good, bad and beautiful.

Others have given you practical advice. This is good. I would like to give you some psychic advice. It may not be remarkable but it is the most powerful thing I can offer here:-

Next time you are feeling good take some time to focus your thoughts on these neighbours. Imagine that they are long lost friends and that they really love you and care for you very much but they don't know how to demonstrate it. Imagine that your presence in this neighbourhood is helping them to manifest their love in a positive way. Imagine that it is yet a beginning - like a seed sprouting underground. Imagine that very soon it will unfurl and flower. Let the imagination flow. Relish it. Do not do anything else with them or to them or for them. Simply imagine!

Good society, like good music, is nourished by imagination.

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Post by spittin_in_the_wind »

Sara, I so feel for you! What a horrible situation.

From your description, it sounds like the two apartments were probably collaborating on making and/or dealing drugs, and all of your gut feelings are probably right on the money. It's possible that most of the illegal activity, at least evidence of it, was happening in the apartment that is still occupied. I really think you should go to the police and make an appointment with the detective on the case and tell that person what you observed. They may not be able to get a search warrant on the other apartment, but you never know.

I know it is probably not the advice that a lot of people would give, but you might want to look around for a new apartment if you can. We had neighbors from hell similar to what you described, and they got more bizarre the more we complained. Finally we scraped up enough money to buy a house, and it was the best move we ever made. But if we couldn't have bought a house, we would have moved anyways. It's worth it for the peace of mind.

On the other hand, it's possible that the couple that is still there will move soon anyways, especially since the police have been nosing around. Also, they may want to move closer to their collaborators. So, your problem may be solved for you soon. Have you told your landlord that the other tenants were also involved in the activities of the people who were evicted? He might be interested and may want to schedule some maintenance in their place, or ask to have a look around.

The neighborhood watch idea sounds great. I may want to look into that for my neighborhood. I just read in the paper yesterday morning that a 20 year old down the street, whose family just moved in a year ago, was arrested at his home on Saturday night. Apparently he had been arrested a couple other times in the last week or so, the first time for possession of 25 pounds of marijuana, 280 steroid pills, and four handguns. He got out on $8000 bail. A couple days later, he was arrested for armed robbery, and got out on $5000 bail. He then intimidated his robbery victim, and was arrested at his parents' house down the street, where he lives. I can only guess who was making bail for him, as he obviously hadn't been kicked out of the house by that point. Make a note to always trust your gut--these people made me uncomfortable from the first time I saw them when they bought their house.

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Post by cowtime »


You've definately got a BIG problem in your neighborhood. And, you've got decisions to make.

You can move(if this is an option)
You can organize a crime watch for your community
You can hope it goes away.

If I were you and could do it at all, I'd move.

Obviously it's a drug operation. Now I don't know what's popular around there but here, for the moment, it's methamphetamines, which they "cook". This stuff is really dangerous, expolsive, and destroys the enviroment where it's made. Really really bad news. And that's not counting what it does to the human body. If you can, get out now.

I say this from experience- daughter a drug addict in recovery for today, one day at a time, you know- and a neighbor who's a pusher. Luckily for us, the neighbor lives about a quarter-mile away. We're in a rural area. All her customers turn in our driveway. At least she's not cooking crank, but selling pain pills so we don't have the enviromental issue to deal with. This woman has even been caught more than once delivering drugs to her son when he's been in jail. They do no more than fine her.
The problem we've seen is that local law enforcement doesn't really want to get the pushers but the suppliers, so unless your folks are further up the ladder, don't expect the law to do much for your situation. They don't around here, until someplace blows up- people dying from overdose is just an everyday thing for them and they don't get too intrested......

You have GOT to change your locks. That's a given.

The neighborhood watch will help some. It has in the town where I work. The place was nothing but a huge drug store for illegal meds. Dealers were meeting buyers in the post office parking lot and making their deals. Postmaster got little if any response from law enforcement. Since the neighborhood watch was organized, traffic has slowed considerably.

The dog worries me. Simply because I love dogs. The advice that you take it to an animal shelter is probably the best you can do when it gets loose again.

But, and I stress this, if you can at all, move. You don't want your child/children in that environment. Believe me, I learned the hard way, that just because we know who to associate with and who not to, does not necessarily mean our children will.

Please keep us posted. I worry about this.......
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Post by Sunnywindo »

I guess with the length of the original post, a few details got lost.

The dog belonged to the neighbors in my building who were evicted. We, as well as several neighbors had made complaints to the county animal control, they were aware of the situation, but didn't do anything other than issue "warnings".

The first of the week after the neighbors were legally supposed to be out (ordered to be out by Saturday by the sherrif department after the landlord demanded they do something)... at the first of the week (several days after they were to have been out completely) when the landlord called the police and they came out to check the place... they heard the neighbors dog still barking in there.

Nothing and no one was to have been in the apartment. Hubby even told the officers that that was the neighbors dog still in there. The officers did nothing. :boggle: You would have thought that they would have called animal control, got the dog out of the apartment, and maybe (just maybe) since there were warrents out for the arrest of these two people, waited around for them to show up so they could arrest them, which they did show up later for the dog and their mail. But the police just left and did nothing. (We didn't find out about the warrents until several days after the fact.)

The dog is gone now, mail has ceased to come (noticed last night that notice of vacancy/do not deliver mail was posted just yesterday). However, there are still the folks in the building next door to consider, and the old neighbors from our building still have reason to come back around if there is drug connections or something going on between the two.


:roll: Sara
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Post by s1m0n »

Unless there's something left out of the story, I think you're fine.
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Post by Sunnywindo »

Had to leave to pick up my son from kindergarten, so cut that last post short a bit.

Was going to add, hate to move because we have a really nice apartment at a lower than average price. We would most likely have to pay a hundred or two more in rent to find a place equal to the one we have now, even within our own neighborhood here. Unless the landlord decides to raise rent, but he's nice and I doubt that he will do that anytime soon as it would force us to move (strict buget here) and he seems to like us.

Our contract is up in June, hubby doesn't want to move and I would prefer to not either until we have to, or can afford to build our own home.

Hubby doesn't think it's too big of a deal either now that the one neighbor is moved, however, he is irritated at how the situation was handled (the police not doing anything about the dog being left in the apartment, not making more effort to arrest them if there was a warrent.)

Guess we will see what the landlord says when hubby talks to him about it this weekend before we make any decisions.

:-? Sara
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Post by Redwolf »

cowtime wrote:Sara,

You've definately got a BIG problem in your neighborhood. And, you've got decisions to make.

You can move(if this is an option)
You can organize a crime watch for your community
You can hope it goes away.

If I were you and could do it at all, I'd move.

Obviously it's a drug operation. Now I don't know what's popular around there but here, for the moment, it's methamphetamines, which they "cook". This stuff is really dangerous, expolsive, and destroys the enviroment where it's made. Really really bad news. And that's not counting what it does to the human body. If you can, get out now.

I say this from experience- daughter a drug addict in recovery for today, one day at a time, you know- and a neighbor who's a pusher. Luckily for us, the neighbor lives about a quarter-mile away. We're in a rural area. All her customers turn in our driveway. At least she's not cooking crank, but selling pain pills so we don't have the enviromental issue to deal with. This woman has even been caught more than once delivering drugs to her son when he's been in jail. They do no more than fine her.
The problem we've seen is that local law enforcement doesn't really want to get the pushers but the suppliers, so unless your folks are further up the ladder, don't expect the law to do much for your situation. They don't around here, until someplace blows up- people dying from overdose is just an everyday thing for them and they don't get too intrested......

You have GOT to change your locks. That's a given.

The neighborhood watch will help some. It has in the town where I work. The place was nothing but a huge drug store for illegal meds. Dealers were meeting buyers in the post office parking lot and making their deals. Postmaster got little if any response from law enforcement. Since the neighborhood watch was organized, traffic has slowed considerably.

The dog worries me. Simply because I love dogs. The advice that you take it to an animal shelter is probably the best you can do when it gets loose again.

But, and I stress this, if you can at all, move. You don't want your child/children in that environment. Believe me, I learned the hard way, that just because we know who to associate with and who not to, does not necessarily mean our children will.

Please keep us posted. I worry about this.......
I'm with you on this.

I've lived with this kind of situation too many times in my life...starting when I was 15 and the drug dealers moved in next door. My formerly blue collar, family neighborhood never recovered, and is now "officially" a "bad part of town." It doesn't just go away...even if these people are gone, there's a fair chance you'll get the same kind in there next time (especially since your new landlord seems a bit dim). Move if you can; organize with your decent neighbors if you can't.

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Post by Loren »

Hi Sara,

Sorry to hear about the problems.

You asked for advice, so here's mine: Move. Bad things happen when people live in close proximity to this sort of stuff, VERY bad things happen. That's not simply my opinion, unfortunately it has been my first hand experience, more than once. This isn't an apropriate place for me to print the details, even if I did feel comfortable discussing the matter, but let me tell you, bad things don't just happen to other people, and if you've had red flags before hand, and then something happens to you and/or someone you love.....well, even if you happen to survive the experience, you may not survive the guilt (long term).

Changing your locks is good idea, but next to useless in terms of keeping intruders out: If someone is motivated to get into your home, they will, locks, alarm systems, whatever, whether you are home or not.

The fact that you have aggravated these people in the past (with your complaints, having the cable cut, etc), does not help - particularly if they still have reason to come back to your area to contact other people they know (who still live there.)

It's been my experience that saving some money on rent, having a "nicer" place for the money as it were, isn't worth a lifetime of having to deal with the repercussions of being a crime victim. Take that for what it's worth.

Stay safe,

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Post by peeplj »

I have to add my voice to Loren's...I think you should move, and you should do it sooner than later.

It's not your fault that you and your family have had an unpleasant encounter of this kind, but it is now your responsibility to keep you and your family safe, and that means the aftermath is yours to deal with.

You cannot assume that just because they've moved that they've forgotten you. You dare not assume anything about their motivations or their limits--particularly in the case of limits, they may not have many.

Also their "clients" may also blame you that whatever they were obtaining from these folks is no longer locally available.

I'm not trying to scare you, but I do hope you give serious consideration to moving. It sounds very much like you are not out of danger yet to me.

Please be careful and stay safe!

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Post by Cynth »

I would move. Look at what this is all doing to you. Anyone would be scared. If your instincts tell you, and they have, that there are strange goings on, leave. You don't have to know what is going on, you don't want to know. Unfortunately the scary people aren't going to leave, so I myself would. Just to have a nicer life.
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