Possible virus

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Post by The Weekenders »

Just got an email from Tygrhess with no message, something about "no more slices" or somethin in the Title.

Ty and I don't normally correspond by email so I believe some automatic thing might be happening. I have a MAC so it didnt do anything but be careful if you get something unexpected from Ty today.
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Post by Zubivka »

Thanks for the warning.

For some reason, my mails were tagged "spam" last night for some firewalls. Made me think of Serpent.

Mac here, too :wink:
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Post by Sandy Jasper »

I have had some strange emails coming in the past few days too. Thank God for Norton!

I was sent a virus from someone here at the message board. I know they didn't do it on purpose and suspect they didn't do it at all, rather someone used their email address in the return field.

It is bad enough to have a stranger try to sabatage your computer, but when they try to mess up your relationship with others, that is really low!

But that is life on the internet, shrug it off, don't believe everything your read and don't open anything that ends with .exe!

Best of luck,

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Post by Cyfiawnder »

Don't open anything that ends with .exe .vbr (visual basic runtime, the virus makers pride and joy) or anything that has 2 file extensions like acoolsong.mp3.exe or afunnypicture.jpg.vbr a lot of viruses have bots coded into them so when someones computer gets infected the virus will automatically replicate itself, and send itself to everyone in the persons contact list. Most virus makers think their L33t but they're mostly a bunch of n00bs thats whant to show off to their friends, and end up infecting their own computers in the process.
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Post by Tyghress »

ACK! NOW what do I do! Weekender I am sorry! This is the only list I know of that I'm on, and I put a spam blocky think on my profile email as someone once suggested.

I don't get HOW I can send email without sending email. It isn't in my sent mail on AOL.

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Post by Jayhawk »

I was labelled as "spam" related a month or so ago when I tried to join the Flut-Tech group on Yahoo. I'm not sure why - no virus on the comp., I'm not a business, so who knows why...
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Post by Wandering_Whistler »

I wouldn't worry about it if it's not in your "sent mail" tyg.

Anyone can send email and put anyone else's email in the return address...there are viruses these days that specifically do this. Chances are someone ELSE has the virus, but they have your email in their mailbox somehwere, and the virus randomly picked it up.
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Post by serpent »

Well, after my getting into a big tizz over the spamblocker thing, I find that I've been listed again! This time, it was automated, and came along with a whole bunch of blocked IPs from my provider (Starband), so I know it wasn't anybody here - maybe Starband has a phantom spammer on-board! :smile: Looks like I'm in good company.

This time, no knotted knickers, kiddies! I'm gonna be philosophical, and write a very polite note to Starband _and_ the spamblock site asking them to please fix the problem.

Meanwhile, I'll stick around here, brightening the lives of all and sundry until Tony comes after me with his large trout!

Oh. And the advice from everyone about not opening multi-extension files, should go with this little addition: If you can set on the ability to see the filesize in your email client, be especially suspicious and careful of emails right around 110K in size, plus or minus a few K. Klez and a few other Really Nasty virii hide in lots of those.

Good rule of thumb:
If you didn't expect it
And the subject is lame or questionable
And it has an attachment
Or the filesize is close to 110K
Don't open it until you've verified from the putative sender that they did, indeed, send it to you, and they tell you what's in the attachment.

Better safe than virusified...!
Cheers, :grin:
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Post by serpent »

Nothing quite as Onanistic as replying to one's own posts, but...

I'm thinking of starting a new virus protection company:
Computer Overseers Negating Deadly Ourobouros-tic Mails

That would be C.O.N.D.O.M

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Post by Redwolf »

I was surprised to find that my ISP blocks some emails containing viruses. I periodically get an email from the ISP saying "an email to you from [whateveremailaddress.com] containing the "whatever" virus was detected. The message was deleted. If you recognize the email address from which this was sent, you may want to notify the sender that their computer may have a virus."

We have McAfee too, and update it regularly, and we all know not to open unsolicited attachments, but it's nice to have that extra layer too.

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Post by Isilwen »

I've gotten a couple of viruses lately, however Norton quarantined them before they could do some really serious damage. Unfortunately, some people in my addy book have been sent virus e-mails from "me," and I also want to make you all aware just in case you get something from an Irish Musician or irish_musician3 with a funny/odd subject line...
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