choices, choices.......

The Ultimate On-Line Whistle Community. If you find one more ultimater, let us know.

Post by Guest »

On 2002-11-09 03:06, mike.r wrote:
On 2002-11-08 12:32, wizzy wrote
Mabe I dont rit to good but me harts in the rit place.
Beautifully your Scottish brogue.:smile: Mike

Nice One Mike,lets let selkie have the last word.

Hello Stacey,
I am upset now.
Both my husband and I sent you e-mails thanking you for your
gesture. You answered saying you hadn't heard from us. I had the e-mails confirmed. I then told various people
on the folk circuit what this beautiful aluminium whistle was and a tourist
e-mailed me to say he had ordered from you so I haven't been idle in promoting you. The
fascination of your whistle is such that when I bring it out from
under my thigh where I have been warming it people stare at it. I
then have to explain why I sit on it and where it comes from.
However it is a hard whistle to blow. Needs a lot of breath. But I
stick to a couple of songs I can play with it.
Best regards,
Selkie (Jacqui Adams)
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Post by Walden »

The whistle can create a wall,
Or it can be a bridge;
For it's YOUR choice to scream and bawl,
Or to give in a smidge.

Or, as Alexander Pope said of the young woman who lost a bit of hair at a card game:

But anxious Cares the pensive Nymph opprest,
And secret Passions labour'd in her Breast.
Not youthful Kings in Battel seiz'd alive,
Not scornful Virgins who their Charms survive,
Not ardent Lovers robb'd of all their Bliss,
Not ancient Ladies when refus'd a Kiss,
Not Tyrants fierce that unrepenting die,
Not Cynthia when her Manteau's pinn'd awry,
E'er felt such Rage, Resentment and Despair,
As Thou, sad Virgin! for thy ravish'd Hair.
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Post by Kendahl »

Fascinating catfight. Jessie seems to think that being around a long time and being nasty (she terms it 'fiery' but rudeness isn't fire, it's rudeness) gives her special privileges. Any knowledge she may have is overwhelmed by a very juvenile attitude. Then I checked her website. She is young. Perhaps some age will bring maturity.

People. Lay off her. Give her a chance to grow up. For all we know she also may be handicapped by being an only child.


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Post by Zubivka »

On 2002-11-08 22:12, Azalin wrote:

Well, you can read Quebecois pretty well, you're just fortunate I didnt push it too mucn :wink:

So, you're back from the session, who's this guy you're talkin' about, the session leader?
Well, I did have a hard time with your phonetic spelling :wink: which does such a nice job of rendering the accent , and I still didn't get the whole of your Québecois sentence. Last word remains a puzzle.

Mesquer session. The Uillean piper is Pascal Martin, a Breton living nearby. He's not the session leader really, this one being more the... tenor banjo :wink: Bertrand, from Beltaine musical association.
Pascal fell into Bagad music when 10, that's around the early 60's, starting from the bombarde. Among the pioneers in reviving Northumbrian pipes, then switched to Uillean, plus of course whistle (a duct-taped beaten brass Feadog ; the tube is more or less conical now, but only if you look at it sideways). Sports also sorta unsigned copy of Overton Low D he says was given for free to him by a piper in Ireland. I think the size of the 2nd holes oxo:oxo is meant to calibrate sausages. My fingers fall in it, his not, and he makes it sound terrific.
Yesterday, I asked what was that superb strange tune he just piped in such a haunting fashion ; he said "well, you hardly could know it, it's a Corsican waltz...
Don't have a list of his recordings--didn't try to get them since we got him live every month; I reckon he was guest to play Uillean pipe in one of last solo records from what's-his-name, former leader of Supertramp :???: released couple years ago.
The Beltaine association also holds a weekly session Sundays, in a Nantes Irish pub, but this's a waaaay too big city for me to go check it out.
It's true: I read it on Internet.
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Post by JessieK »

On 2002-11-09 09:52, Kendahl wrote:
For all we know she also may be handicapped by being an only child.
Yeah, it was quite a shock to grow up and realize that the world doesn't actually revolve around me. I am an only grandchild, too. And PMSy as hell right now.

But tell me...did you see ANY "rudeness" in my initial review of the Alba? And did you notice how I was attacked by Zubivka? And then I defended myself, as any person would do. It's interesting how you want me to be a good girl and let people attack me without talking back. Ridiculous.

And are one to talk, huh? Every chance you get, you throw some mean remark at Loren. How is that learning from your mistakes???

If nobody attacks me anymore in this thread, I will not talk back. But if you do, I will. Get it?!?

And about my age: for the last nine years (until 6 months ago) I was in a relationship (marriage for the last 5 years) with a man who is now 54, which is 28 years older than I am. I kept him emotional and he kept me functional, but now without that grounded life (he refused to have children - I know you'll ask why), I am totally lost and miserable. And if I get unjustly attacked, you better believe I am going to fight back. I have no reason WHATSOEVER not to. And if you to expect me to take it without doing so (defending in whatever way I see fit), then you, all of you, are completely unreasonable.

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Post by mike.r »

Anyone seen any good movies lately? :smile: Mike
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Post by Azalin »

Well, I think Jessie that I would like to give you some piece of advice... and not some "you're just a child" crappy advice, which was actually a hidden attack.

I think you need to remember that a forum and real life are two things completely different. I've learned that a few years ago. I was playing an online game, and it got very messy, and I was upset in real life, until someone put me aside and explained a few things to me.

Being in front of a computer, typing, is very different than bein' with people in person. Some people will act differently than in real life, some people will actually want to have a different "image" that they've got in real life. You need to try to see it as a "game". You can be yourself, be honnest, but keep in the back of your mind that an attack, on this board, is *not* a personnal attack, because those people don't *know* you.

Right now some people see this "weakness" in you, and are using it. It's good to get mad, really mad, from my point of view, but mixing forum and personnal life, like you did when you explained your situation with your husband, will only bring you more pain.

Anyway, I guess this is something you could work on, but this is only my point of view. There's a lot of your behavior in general that I don't agree with, but seeing you sad and mad in real life doesnt make me happy at all...
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Post by andreaz54 »


One thing though...I don't think hormone fluctuations are a legitimate reason to go off and say whatever is on one's mind (ie. get nasty as the devil). If one is "PMS..y".........stay off the board until levels stabilize! I've read enough about various bodily functions in this thread to last me at least a lifetime. CAN'T WE JUST ALL KEEP OUR FUNCTIONS TO OURSELVES???!!

There is NO ONE on this board who has not suffered in some way, been attacked unfairly in some way, been misunderstood in some way, etc. We all have had our times...thats life. We are supposed to be friends sharing a common interest here. Like I said before, if you don't like what someone one is holding an ax over your head to make you reply. So don't. Amazing how it just nips the whole thing in the bud.

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Post by jim stone »

Sorry to hear about the break up, Jessie.
I remember your photos of the fellow.
When this last happened to me it took me
about a year to work through it. Mad,
sad, scared, you name it.
I joined a support group,
which helped work things through
faster. Please take good
care of yourself, Jim
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Post by JessieK »

Az, that's good advice, thanks.

Jim and anyone else, I am not looking for public sympathy, I was just explaining that I am not coming from a good point in life. I don't think I was wrong in what I said to Zubivka, just as he doesn't think he was wrong in what he said to me. That aside, I am always sorry for the people on the sidelines, though I do not understand why it matters to you so much. Can't you let people argue?

I am done with this, though. I am not going to participate in this particular fight anymore. I just got back from the wedding of a very close friend, in 10 minutes I will have a very nice musical get-together, and I am in no mood to dwell on message board politics.

Andreaz54, no I won't keep my functions to myself. Cees just had a baby...does THAT bother you???

Bye to this thread.

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Post by mvhplank »

Okay, I'm going to risk getting slapped down, but here goes.
... Can't you let people argue?

... I am not going to participate in this particular fight anymore.

I stumbled onto C&F forums buoyed by my faith that everyone would take to heart the "reasonable person" principle, forgetting that everyone believes himself/herself to be reasonable.

From my own point of view, <i>discussions</i> are wonderful and informative while <i>arguments</i> are unsettling and possibly nasty.

Discussions can end in a friendly draw. Arguments seems to go on until someone "wins."

I have had many discussions but few ended in swearing and name-calling. Those that did were really arguments, it just took a while to tell the difference.

I particularly object to personal attacks--it suggests the opinion of the attacker can't be supported by facts or well-reasoned opinions.

I move that we all continue to hold <i>discussions</i> in a lively and friendly manner and avoid as well as we may turning them into arguments.

Just my opinion.

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Post by serpent »

On 2002-11-09 11:39, JessieK wrote:
<snip! lots of stuff>
And are one to talk, huh? Every chance you get, you throw some mean remark at Loren. How is that learning from your mistakes???
<snip! more stuff>
Sorry if I seemed preachy. As I told you elsewhere, I am trying to fix bridges. As to defending myself from now on, as I know that I will likely (for a while) continue to be attacked by one or another, regardless of my intentions, well, I don't intend to respond in kind. If the attack is relatively minor, I'll try to respond with reason. If it's vicious as some in the past, I'll respond with silence.

I have never - repeat, NEVER, participated in any name-calling, nor any degradation of any person's character on this board. I have never threatened harm to anyone. I have never done more than ridicule those who _chose_ to be my enemies, for whatever reason. And now, I won't even do that.

Everyone on this board is human, and has human failings. Everyone on this board also has redeeming virtues. Nobody _deserves_ to be picked on, and nobody has any right whatsoever, to be a bully, either.

I read your short statement about Alba, and have no idea whether or not I would agree with it. I didn't consider it particularly negative, but someone with a stake in what was said, might have, and evidently did. You could have ended the hostility right then, just as I could have done when Loren or Azalin, I forget which, first jumped on me. We did not, and we both paid a price in loss of respect, for our foolishness.

Jessie, I ain't no angel, and I don't play one on TV -- but I'm going to continue to make an effort to turn my errors, and the perceptions of those who don't, for whatever reason, think I'm worth the time of day, around into something positive. Do whatever you wish, and draw whatever conclusions you will from this. I mean it kindly, and I hope that you know also, that I will follow through on it. I'm asking you to join me.

Best wishes,
Bill Whedon
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Post by mvhplank »

On 2002-11-10 00:58, serpent wrote:
... I'm going to continue to make an effort to turn my errors ... around into something positive. Do whatever you wish, and draw whatever conclusions you will from this. I mean it kindly, and I hope that you know also, that I will follow through on it. I'm asking you to join me.

Best wishes,
Bill Whedon
Here, here!

I don't mind honest disagreements yet I do hope for civility at the least and a mannerly response at best.


Post by Guest »

Wizzy agrees with the last 3 posts,and takes heed.:grin:


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Post by mvhplank »

On 2002-11-10 12:19, wizzy wrote:
Wizzy agrees with the last 3 posts,and takes heed.:grin:
I am reminded, happily, of a school superintendent who once said, "I might be a slow learner, but I'm not a NON-learner." (I doubt he WAS a slow learner, though, and neither is anyone here :smile: )

I look forward to learning more about whistles on this forum without a bunch of static in the air.


And if I may make an off-topic aside, I've been using the board for a little distraction and grief therapy this weekend.

My beloved 29-year-old Arabian died Saturday. I'd had him since he was three--he was seven years older than my daughter. Born the year I was married, he outlasted that marriage by a number of years.

Life won't be the same without him.

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