Difficult decision -- need help

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Difficult decision -- need help

Post by HDSarah »

Some of you may have seen my post a few days ago about receiving a new Burke composite A. I am now facing a difficult decision regarding the whistle. I can't say it's like being between a rock and a hard place -- I guess it's more like being between a hunk of chocolate and a dish of ice cream . . .

Over a year ago, my husband ordered a Sindt A and Bb for me as a gift. A month or so ago, I gave up on the Sindts and decided to order something I could get sooner. My husband emailed John Sindt to cancel the order, and I ordered a pair of Burke composites. The A arrived Wednesday afternoon; the Bb will take a few more weeks. So far, no problems.

Then yesterday afternoon, a package from Sindt whistles appeared in my mailbox, containing the Sindt A and Bb! Apparently the order cancellation wasn't received. Now I have in my home a Burke composite A, a Sindt A, and a Sindt Bb. Unfortunately, neither my whistle use (especially for an A) nor my income justifies owning two expensive A whistles at this point in my life, so I need to choose which one to keep and which to return.

They are both really nice whistles, very different from each other. There are some things I prefer about the Burke, and some I prefer about the Sindt. Just from a mechanical standpoint, I find the Sindt easier to play: the narrower diameter tube is easier for me to hold, and the stretch between the fingers of the right hand is slightly, though noticeably, smaller, so it's easier to make the transition from the D whistle to the A. I suspect that is something I'd get used to and it may become a non-issue on the Burke with practice. The Sindt easily plays the third octave A (i.e., two octaves above the bell note) and two notes above it in the third octave. I can get the third octave A on the Burke but it needs a big push of air, and I'd have to work hard to get notes above that.

But of course, you're all going to tell me I need to choose based on the SOUND, of course. The sounds are very different. The Burke composite has a woody, flutey, breathier tone. (One friend who heard it Thursday night said it sounded like a r******r :o -- but don't hold that against it!) The Sindt has a more traditional whistle-y sound. I play a tune on one and think "oh yes, definitely this one" and then play a different tune and think I like the other one better. At this point, I think I prefer the flutey, breathy tone of the Burke for airs and slow tunes, but the Sindt for faster tunes. I guess I need to decide what I'm more likely to play on the A . . .

So please, send suggestions, questions I should consider, etc. Tell me what to do, not that I'll do it -- I may realize that what I really want is the opposite. :P (And don't tell me to just keep both; as I said above, neither my whistle use nor my income currently justifies that.)

One thing I want to do is get a better player than me to play both so I can hear them both from the other side of the whistle. ErikT? Are you willing? I know you love your Sindt A; you can compare and see if you think mine is as good. Jennie, if you want to try these, you'll need to get yourself to Fairbanks soon!

IMPORTANT QUESTION: To protect ErikT from the head cold I have that won't go away, what's a good way to disinfect a whistle that is safe for both whistle and human? I know warm soapy water doesn't hurt whistles -- is that sufficient?
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Post by brewerpaul »

If you don't need the cash immediately, I'd suggest living with both whistles for a couple of weeks. In that time you'll get better acquainted with each whistle's unique qualities and will be able to make a better decision. After that amount of time, Mike or John might not want to take them back for a refund but if you keep them in primo mint condition you can most certainly sell the one you decide not to keep right here on the board for what you paid for it-- with no waiting list for the buyer.
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Post by Congratulations »

I might buy the sindt from you. :)

(Even though I shouldn't.)
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Post by piperdoc »

be happy to buy the b flat sindt.
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Post by Unseen122 »

If you would rather have a Sindt D than an A I could help you out.
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Post by emmline »

That's interesting. I had the same experience of cancelling a Sindt order, and the package still arriving several months later. I kept it. Tells you something, I guess.
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Post by thirdfipple »

I tend to be very analytical in my thinking and decision making, handy in my line of work. But a decision like yours probably has no real logical answer, the decision is an aesthetic one, i.e. how do you 'feel' about these whistles?

When I am in similar circumstances I take an English pound (coin) I have and I decide a priori heads outcome a, tails outcome b. I flip the coin in the air. Now is the critical part. Before the coin lands in my outstretched hand I look inside myself and see which side of the coin I hope will turn up.

Sounds screwy I know. But it is my way of trying to do an end run around my overly critical, analytical, worrisome, logical mind.

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Post by homelesshobbit »

A truly awesome method of determining things. Nonetheless, I certainly wouldn't want to be in the position of choosing between two magnificent whistles.
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Re: fwiw

Post by HDSarah »

thirdfipple wrote: When I am in similar circumstances I take an English pound (coin) I have and I decide a priori heads outcome a, tails outcome b. I flip the coin in the air. Now is the critical part. Before the coin lands in my outstretched hand I look inside myself and see which side of the coin I hope will turn up.

Sounds screwy I know. But it is my way of trying to do an end run around my overly critical, analytical, worrisome, logical mind.
I've done a very similar thing many times before. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one! :lol: I don't have an English pound coin, but I find an American penny works just fine. I flip it, and if I find myself looking at the result and flipping again saying "ok, best 2 out of 3", and then "best 3 out of 5" , etc., I know what I already decided. That's kind of why I asked people to tell me what to do -- so I'd realize what I didn't want to do.

I'm not flipping coins yet. Brewerpaul's advice to get to know each whistle better is good, so I'll do that for awhile.

Living in a place where I don't encounter many high-end whistles (or even low-end ones) to try, having these two for a side-by-side comparison is a rare treat for me. I'm going to enjoy agonizing over this decision, really. :lol:

Thanks, all!
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Post by tuaz »

Another factor to consider: Is Sindt's order list very backed up? Would it take longer for someone (or you) to get another Sindt A or Burke A if one were to place a fresh order with the respective makers?
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Post by HDSarah »

tuaz wrote:Another factor to consider: Is Sindt's order list very backed up? Would it take longer for someone (or you) to get another Sindt A or Burke A if one were to place a fresh order with the respective makers?
Sindt has a long wait, about a year. It definitely looks like if I decide not to keep either Sindt, I can probably sell it myself if I wish. (Or send it back to John Sindt and let him sell it.) Burke has a much shorter wait. My Burke A surprised me by how fast it arrived -- I don't know if that's because he always keeps some in stock, or if I just got lucky and there was one there or almost finished when I ordered. Because Burke's far less backlogged, there's less motivation for someone to buy directly from me than to just order one themselves -- I might save them no more than a month's wait.

Michael Burke allows a 30-day period to decide whether to keep a whistle. I haven't managed to contact John Sindt yet to know how long he gives to decide, but I assume it's at least a week, so I have some time to play them both and decide.

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Best of both.

Post by Phil Hardy »

Personally,I keep both the Sindts but why not keep one off both makes.
Best of both worlds.
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Post by Jennie »

Without entering the debate about who's a better whistle player, I think there's a lot of merit in having someone else play so you can listen. So if Erik's unavailable, I think you should send them all here to me, and give me a week to get to know them so I can flawlessly play the same tunes on both, then I'll find an excuse to come up at Thanksgiving. :wink:

I know I love the sounds you make with your high D, and that you seem to prefer a purer sound. Makes me think you may decide to stick with the Burke. Makes me almost change my mind about the sound I prefer whenever I listen to you play. Whistles sound different to the player and to the listener.

Maybe I'll come up and help! :)
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Post by Doc Jones »

Two things to throw into the pot.

The Sindts will be sturdier and have better longevity than the Composites.
and will hold there value better due to waiting list issues.

The Burke may have a stronger/truer Cnat with 0xxooo.

My advice...keep 'em both. :D

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