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Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2001 9:21 am
by McHaffie
Hey there everyone, I'm back, and we all need to decide a few things...

My disk storage has reached 100 of 100MB containing all of the original posts on the website.

Has everything moved over to the message board now, and everyone is happy with it? If so I can delete all of the old files off of my server, and free up some space for a few new soundbytes of the new design and pictures for the updated site. I will have some major updates here pretty soon (next couple of weeks or so) and could use the space.

Anyway, it's nice to see the board and files are still going, and it's nice to be back in touch with everyone.

I will be able to be around more now, and my whistle works and life in general seem to have stopped kicking me in the butt! (knock on wood!)

Things are great, back on track, and here's a little bit of a crumb...

I have a new design coming out in the next few weeks... Oh boy... it's going to be nifty too. Sqirming in your chair yet? :smile:

I will still offer the current look, sound and feel of my whistles so don't worry.

Ok, enough with the small novel I always seem to end up typing. It's really good to be back here in the forums, and I hope everyone is doing well.

Take care all,


Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2001 10:46 am
by Ron Rowe
Glad to see you back John, I was getting worried about you when I wrote to tell you how much I was enjoying the whistles you made me and I didn't hear back from you. I am also very happy to hear that your grandma is getting better. How bout a sneak preview of the new design?
