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Recording Devices

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:03 pm
by mairtin
Hi guys,

I am curious to know what type of Recording devices do people from this forum use to record and upload their tunes onto their PC/youtube etc. Also what is the best device to use for recording?

I recorded a few tunes onto my N95 phone but the sound doesn't do the pipes justice (even with my bad playing) it sounds completely different, which is why I am wondering what recording device would record the sound of the pipes the way they are meant to be heard.

With Christmas nearly here I am thinking of getting 1 of 3 things.
(1) sound card and mic for PC
(2) Ipod
(3) Iphone

I am not technically minded so I have no idea what these devices would be like for recording. any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:43 pm
by Jäger
With the microphones in an iPhone being designed mainly for speaking into, and those of the iPod probably of even cheaper construction, I'd say go with a decent mic and sound card. Then you have endless editing options on your computer with the use of one of the many free very decent recording softwares that are out there, and a lot better sound to work with. Provided that you learn a thing or two about mic placements, of course.

Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:04 am
by fancypiper
I use an 8 channel preamp with a phantom power supply and some decently priced 3/4" condenser mics that I caught on sale. My sound card is a Soundblaster Live, so I only need two channels, but I can mix up to 8 mikes into 2 outputs.

My son uses 3 1" condenser mikes, one directed at the A hole on the chanter, one at about the end of the tenor drone to capture drones and regs, and one behind the piper's head directed at back D.

Give a listen to my Bernard Grigsby link for a sound sample.


Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:53 am
by PiperPaul
This is my hardware setup: sound card integrated with asus mother board, behringer mixer, shure sm58 and sm57, adobe audition software. It works great for my expectation.


Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:43 am
by Lorenzo
Digital Performer is a great program.

For good quality, know your microphones, their different patterns, and primary uses. Large diaphragm condenser microphones are "renowned for their rich midrange, thunderous low-end response, creamy highs, and larger-than-life quality," but if you have more than one mic in close proximity to each other, you may not want the bleed-through. A good dynamic mic, or a small diaphragm condenser mic (more directional), might be best for your purposes. A couple good links on the subject... ... phone.html

Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:23 am
by dsmootz
I'd also suggest looking into the iPhone with a nicer mic peripheral, like the "Mikey" by Blue Microphones (who, prior to getting into this business, was purely a recording studio boutique type of place). I haven't tried this out myself, but I HAVE seen a local radio host use this setup to record for a broadcast on her show - it's light opera, but it might give you some feel for the "realism" of the mic. Here's a link to the mp3 archive of that specific show: ... ene_56.mp3. If you listen, for example, to the song at 18:30, that's all on the iPhone with a Blue mic. She was sitting about 15 feet back from the "stage", and the room was wide and long with low ceilings, all hard surfaces. You say that you're not particularly technical, so that's probably information overkill, but better more info than too little.

Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:58 am
by Paul Reid

Depends on what your expectations are in the spectrum of quality, and expense. Lots of youtube videos with just the onboard microphone, which represents one end :) The other is to invest in some decent recording equipment, but can still be acquired reasonably inexpensively. Zoom has some fantastic recorders as well as the new Roland ... rentId=109model. There's this really cool little recorder from Samson (Zoom): the Zoom H1 ... &brandID=4(I haven't tried it but they make great stuff!), and of course the now famous and nearly ubiquitous Zoom H4n ... &brandID=4 (incredible!!!!!!!). Pair the sound with that and a decent video recording (preferably a decent HD vidoe from an SLR of either Canon or Nikon) and you're nearly pro!

And, for the record, you just can't go wrong with those SM57/58 mics!


Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:42 am
by Clarinetcat
ZOOM H2 ... Audio.html

If you are interested in easy-to-use, portable recording, I highly recommend you buy one.
Do a search for a decent price, but the above link seems pretty inexpensive (I bought mine 3 years ago for $200)

Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:49 am
by Ted
I use the Sony M-10 digital recorder, which sounds great and can be had for about $200. One big advantage it has is long battery life. I get over 24 hours on a pair of AA batteries. Compare that when shopping for a recorder. The Zoom recorders are much more power hungry.

Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:15 pm
by projektio28
I can recommend the entire line of ZOOM portable recorders, and specifically I've used this one:

My fiddler owns it. We setup shop at her house (fiddle, accordion, mandolin, guitar and vocals) placed on a table in the middle of all of us and were easily able to record an awesome sounding session of new songs. The clarity blew me away!

I've never encounter them being power hungry at all. It's a portable recorder so replacing batteries is something you'll have to do every now and again depending upon your usage levels. Also, this particular recorder has an attached USB connector for EASY transfer of data to your PC/Mac.


Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:56 pm
by Mogens Hundevad
Hi there!
I have had great pleasuer with my EDIROL from ROLAND since 2006. It takes good quality.


Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:30 pm
by Paul Reid
projektio28 wrote:I can recommend the entire line of ZOOM portable recorders, and specifically I've used this one:

My fiddler owns it. We setup shop at her house (fiddle, accordion, mandolin, guitar and vocals) placed on a table in the middle of all of us and were easily able to record an awesome sounding session of new songs. The clarity blew me away!

I've never encounter them being power hungry at all. It's a portable recorder so replacing batteries is something you'll have to do every now and again depending upon your usage levels. Also, this particular recorder has an attached USB connector for EASY transfer of data to your PC/Mac.

I've been curious about this Q3 - video and sound in one gadget (not a new thing but sound first video second!). In my experience, my Roland uses less battery power than my Zoom H4. Though, I nearly always plug in the H4's AC adapter.

Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:57 pm
by projektio28
Paul Reid wrote:I've been curious about this Q3 - video and sound in one gadget (not a new thing but sound first video second!). In my experience, my Roland uses less battery power than my Zoom H4. Though, I nearly always plug in the H4's AC adapter.
I willingly admit that I've not used the video feature, but I was blown away by the amount of clarity from five different sound sources all sitting around the device.

It records your audio as 96kHz 16/24-bit Linear PCM WAV and it has a couple of other audio options if you also use the video, such as direct MP3 instead of WAV.

The main thing to remember is to set your gain switch on the side of the Q3 to "Auto" so it will sense the level of volume from your instrument. Here is a better link with a decent overview along with pictures and tech specs for those that are curious: ... rodID=2020


Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:33 pm
by rgouette
I am not technically minded

With that said, the fellow who mentioned the ZOOM H2 spoke wisely.
For, it is capable of producing a mighty high quality stereo image.

Re: Recording Devices

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:27 pm
by mairtin
Hi Guys

Thanks for all your reply's and advice, having taken all on-board and looked into I am thinking of getting the Q3HD its an audio and video device recorder. Basically I have chosen this device because its handy for on the spot recordings ( video and audio ) at home and elsewhere with no complicated devices to setup and separate software to use.

With the Q3HD all one has to do is hit record and transfer the file onto pc with the USB cable ( which suits me fine ) apparently going by some reviews I read from musicians the audio quality is very good, also the video reviews on youtube are in my opinion of a very good quality. So for simplicity in an all in one audio and video device which can be used anywhere I will opt for the Q3HD.

Again guys thanks for your advice very much appreciated. Cheers


here is a link for the item if anyone is curious about it.