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Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2001 2:23 am
by gaelicdreams
To all Celtic musicians.We are writing to you to tell you of an opportunity to use your musical talent at a major festival to hit Kentucky. We are looking for musicians who play celtic instruments to participate in an amature jam session to be held at the Kentucky Celtic Festival and Highland Games in Hopkinsville , Ky ,August 24th to 26th.To see all the details please visit the official festival website at . Kilted Kinsmen of Kentucky is a non profit group that is sponsoring the event, along with Coca Cola Bottling,The Hopkinsville and Christian County Covention and Visitors Bureau,Trail of Teras Commission and more.

Whether you play whistle,harp,fiddle,guitar or other instuments you will find an appreciative crowd.Those who participate in the jam will be given free passes to the festival. If you are interested please let us know asap.

Kenneth McIntosh
Kilted Kinsmen of Kentucky
Kentucky Celtic Festival and Highland Games INC.