The name Steáfán, if the fadas are included, seems to be unique to Steáfán Hannigan, at least in googledom.
The usual Irish version of Stephen is Stiofán.
I would have expected Steáfán to be pronounced something like SHTAW-fawn, but here's the man himself at 0:49 ...
... telling us "Hi, I'm Steáfán!" and pronouncing it STEFF-'n.
Anybody know why he got this unique name?
Steáfán Hannigan's name
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The purpose of this forum is to provide a place for people who are interested in the Irish language and various Celtic languages to discuss them, to practice them, and to share information about them, particularly (but not exclusively) in the context of traditional music and culture.
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The purpose of this forum is to provide a place for people who are interested in the Irish language and various Celtic languages to discuss them, to practice them, and to share information about them, particularly (but not exclusively) in the context of traditional music and culture.
This is not a "translation forum," per se, though translation requests may occasionally be honored at the discretion of the moderators. If you're seeking a one-time translation for something like a tattoo, engraving, wedding vow, or other such purpose, we strongly recommend that you visit our friends at ILF:
Steáfán Hannigan's name
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. (Anything is more impressive if you say it in Latin)