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Lost Jerome Thibouville Lamy parallel bore flute

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 2:01 am
by rudallcarte
Now this really is a long shot, because I lost it 14 years ago at the Irish Centre in Tottenham, but I would be very interested to see if it did end up in another players hands. I left it after a gig and only noticed the empty case a few days later. Have since got another flute that I love but wondered who picked it up and what they did with it.

It was a late 19th century cocus-wood simple system flute but the distinctive thing about it was that it had a parallel bore rather than a conical bore and had (apparently) a parabolic head joint to go with it. So it was a bit like a Boehm flute body but with the keys of an old simple system. I've never seen another one like it. I will try to find a pic of it, but it was stamped thus
Jerome Thibouville Lamy

It had not serial number but I think there was an address.

Anyone seen it, just out of interest?