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Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2001 10:03 am
by AdrienneB
Is anybody else on the Chiff & Fipple forum planning to go to the Boxwood Festival in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia at the end of July? If so, please send me a message; see you there.

And for that matter, what other plans might ya'll have for musical fun and/or learning this summer?

Adrienne Bengtson
(the whistler formerly known as adrienneiii)

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2001 7:57 pm
by LKtz
I just got back from a week long music camp. It's called the Teen Celtic Music Camp. It was great. This is how I actually got introduced to playing celtic music, I had always loved listening but I had never though of playing it. But then I went to this camp. Now I can't seem to stop playing, much to the anyoences to my family. LOL

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2001 7:33 pm
by AdrienneB
Interesting that you mentioned that it was a teen music camp. My (then) 14-year-old daughter got me back into playing Celtic music when she announced that she was interested in Scottish country dancing.

And while I'm at Boxwood, she will be with friends at a fiddle camp.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. (:


Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2001 8:50 pm
by LKtz
That's funny. How I found the Celtic Music Camp is I was looking for an Irish Dance Camp around my area because I do Irish Step Dance. I did not find one. But I found the celtic music camp instead and the rest is history ;0)