Mary Bergin's Whistle Tutor Volume III

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Tell us something.: I'm interested in traditional music from western Europe, especially Irish Traditional Music. I play and make simple system flutes, whistles and Uilleann pipes, and occasionally dabble with other instruments, such as harp, banjo, bouzouki, mandolin, concertina, accordion etc. I'd like to become a better musician.
Location: Hood River, Oregon, USA

Mary Bergin's Whistle Tutor Volume III

Post by paddler »

I just noticed that Volume III of Mary Bergin's Whistle Tutor is finally available for purchase. The first two volumes were excellent and I've been waiting ages for this "Advanced to Professional" volume to come out.

Here is the link:

Sorry if this was already announced somewhere and I missed it. I'm kind of surprised to have not seen an announcement of this, but I'm probably not the only one, and Mary's tutorials are treasure! :thumbsup:

Oops! I meant to post this to the whistle forum. I'll try to delete it and post again over there.
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