storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

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storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by tin tin »

I'm having a new case made for my flute, and I'm considering the layout options. I see quite a few cases designed to have the two bottom two joints kept together. (Like this.) That layout makes for a nice compact case, but are there any potential problems, like compressing the cork? Can anyone make the case (pardon the pun) for keeping the lower joints together or apart?
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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by Jayhawk »

I've always kept the parts together, but the cork on the lower section of my M&E has compressed with time (now about 5 or so years) and I wrapped a layer of plumbers tape to tighten it up. Granted, the flute doesn't receive much playing time now (and maybe the lack of humidity has caused the cork to shrink) that I have my antique flute, which is also stored with the bottom joints together (these are thread wrapped, though).

I'm sure someone with years more experience will chime in, but it seems more common to keep them together.

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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by Unseen122 »

I've often seen people keep them together, but I never really thought it was a good idea. I don't think it's a good idea because you run the risk of cork or thread expanding which will make the two pieces stick together, or as Eric mentioned cork or thread compressing over time not a big deal with thread but it is annoying with cork. There seem to be a lot of people doing it without any problems though. So I'd say keeping them apart is the safer option and given an option why not go for the safer one?
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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by jim stone »

FWIW, I've kept them together on several flutes for years--no bad effects, considerable convenience.
Was advised to do so by one flute maker I respect considerably. The slight risks are worth the convenience, IMO.
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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by Jon C. »

Here is a interesting example: Flute from the 1830's assembled it's whole life, no cracks in the sockets, and all the tenons that were together did not warp, the only tenon that warped was the one exposed. :shock:
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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by psychodonald »

I know it's off topic, but I've just got to comment on what a beautiful flute that is, couldn't help myself.
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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by Jon C. »

psychodonald wrote:I know it's off topic, but I've just got to comment on what a beautiful flute that is, couldn't help myself.
The flute is only marked "Atwill's Music Salon" it is in the style possibly of a American maker, say Peloubet, but who knows... Atwill's was a well known dealer in the US.
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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by jim stone »

My ersatz 1840 rudall is from Atwill's Music Salon. Maybe some of the flutes they sold were imported....
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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by Aanvil »

I'm currently playing the hell out of that Atwell as Jon was kind enough to lend it out to have it run through it's paces. Nothing wrong with the tenons. I think it might just benefit boxwood being supported by it's supported combined tenon and joint.


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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by Sirchronique »

I was also wondering if keeping it together for long periods is bad for the cork, or at least, wondering if it would cause any need for recorking it within a short span of time. I keep my delrin Baubet flute assembled for about 4 hours straight on some days, because I put it together when I get home from work and leave it on the table assembled and pick it up many times between the time I get off work and the time I go to bed . I was wondering if even that is okay to do. Does this mean I am probably safe to just leave it like that from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed? I would never do it with my wood flute, as I'm pretty obsessive about keepin it well swabbed, and it's wood... but, this one is delrin so, I guess there is no reason to take it apart and put it together a million times each day, hm?
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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by Peter Duggan »

Sirchronique wrote:I keep my delrin Baubet flute assembled for about 4 hours straight on some days, because I put it together when I get home from work and leave it on the table assembled and pick it up many times between the time I get off work and the time I go to bed . I was wondering if even that is okay to do. Does this mean I am probably safe to just leave it like that from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed?
FWIW, I keep the corked sections (D and Eb bodies) of my Copley Delrin pretty well permanently assembled except when I need to put it in its case and have never had any trouble with the cork. But curiously find that the Delrin-to-Delrin fit of head to either body benefits from some periods of 'empty' relaxation, so take that apart occasionally (not daily unless changing bodies) when otherwise leaving it assembled.
I would never do it with my wood flute, as I'm pretty obsessive about keepin it well swabbed, and it's wood... but, this one is delrin so, I guess there is no reason to take it apart and put it together a million times each day, hm?
Re. Delrin, see above. Always take my wood flute apart and swab it out, but perhaps those who keep them partially assembled are doing same before reassembling?
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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by jemtheflute »

Most antique cases provide for the lower body and foot joints to be stowed assembled. Long experience, in particular with my main R&R, does not suggest this causes any problems. I have never tended even to separate those parts to swab separately/in the socket when stowing away. It sure wouldn't hurt so to do, though, especially if you have a joint which you know to be prone to collecting water (their fit varies!). Nor do I tend to swab out a flute I have out when I stop playing - I just stand it vertically to drain (in a safe place/fashion!). So, to respond directly to the OP query, I do not think this is an issue worth much worry - design your case to your preferences. However, if you did decide to have separate compartments for separated joints, that would not add significantly to the length of a 3-slot case - it would just need to be a little longer (the length of the tenon and the width of a separator - maybe an inch or so.....) and have a separator in their slot between them. If you decide you are going to separate them, you could have a longer, slimmer case by stowing the foot in the same line/slot as the head/barrel and the two body joints in a second slot, which might be a more elegant solution. I have refitted modern B-foot Böhm flute cases for simple system flutes in this configuration (pics in old case threads somewhere.....).
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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by johnkerr »

Patrick Olwell has told me it's okay to store the flute with the bottom two pieces together, provided you pull them apart just a bit (1/16th to 1/8th of an inch) instead of keeping them flush. He even told me why it's important to have that separation, but I forget.
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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by Rob Sharer »

johnkerr wrote:Patrick Olwell has told me it's okay to store the flute with the bottom two pieces together, provided you pull them apart just a bit (1/16th to 1/8th of an inch) instead of keeping them flush. He even told me why it's important to have that separation, but I forget.
My recollection of Patrick's explanation is that it allows the cork to dry.

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Re: storing the flute: keep bottom pieces together or apart?

Post by Tunborough »

No one's mentioned it, but I would think that (other things being equal), repeated assembly/disassembly would increase wear and tear on a joint.
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