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Recommendations for bellows Pipes in A

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 1:13 pm
by ChrisCracknell
Hi, as discussed in my last topic, I am looking to acquire some new bellows pipes in A with Scottish or French half-closed fingering. (Not SSP - I already have some of them.) So, recommendations please; I have looked at the Jon Swayne Border Pipes and to be honest, pre-brexit, I would have just ordered a set of them and been done with it. Also, if Mathis Branschke who made my G/C Schäferpfeife made them in A/D then I would have just ordered some of them... Given Brexit, who would you all recommend, preferrably within the EU (I am in Hamburg, but travel to the UK to visit family fairly regularly), but possibly outside if really worth it?
  1. Pipes in A suitable for playing Scottish repertoire in a Scottish session. (Tuning, volume, dronage, et.c.)
  2. Half closed fingering with the octave and a half range is something I have come to like from my G/C Schäferpfeife. Standard Scottish BP fingering would also be an option.
  3. Bellows blown but using my existing bellows and as low maintenance as possible. I can arrange a new adapter to fit my existing bellows myself if necessary.
  4. Sound quality!
  5. Drone and Chanter switches?
I know that a few German makers make A/D Schäferpfeifen, but I have never had any in my hands to try out, so if someone has experience of any of them, then please say... I have seen and heard a fair sample of G/C pipes though.

And, obviously, if anyone has something used that would fit, then feel free to mention that too.

Also, does anyone know if Fin Moore is still making pipes? And if so, what his contact info is?

Thanks all,
