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Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:42 am
by mutepointe
Only once I saw the results did I realize that this quiz was based on Dr. Who. I don't watch the show.

I am an Adipose. "You are quiet, exceptionally bright, with an innate love of music. Like the telepathic Ood, you've always been attuned to the needs and desires of others, and you have a caring disposition. Rather than filling your life with "things" you prefer to live a humble existence within a calm, peaceful community of friends.

Beware - your passive nature can make you vulnerable to manipulation!"

In Season 4, the Adipose were creatures created from human body fat by Matron Cofelia of the Five-Straighten, Classabindi Nursery Fleet, Intergalactic Class. Harmless in themselves, the creation of Adipose can nevertheless be fatal to their human hosts.

Re: Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:33 am
by benhall.1
the stupid quiz thing wrote:Your result: You are an OOD. Sing!

You are quiet, exceptionally bright, with an innate love of music. Like the telepathic Ood, you've always been attuned to the needs and desires of others, and you have a caring disposition. Rather than filling your life with "things" you prefer to live a humble existence within a calm, peaceful community of friends.

Beware - your passive nature can make you vulnerable to manipulation!
"Passive," eh? Hmmm ... :really:

Re: Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:28 am
by megapop
You like to control everything - and we mean everything! You've probably organized your impressive home with an obsessive flair. You're most often glued to your smartphone, with your head in a dozen projects at once. You are whip-cracking smart and super-ambitious, with your sights set on the stars and nothing less.

Beware - your tireless ambition can lure you towards greed and vanity. Remember to relax and share a cup with us plain old humans once in a while!
The irony is, I only did this quiz because I'm procrastinating some work I should be doing for tomorrow... :tomato:

Re: Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:51 am
by mutepointe
If you could time travel, you'd have it made in the shade.

Re: Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:56 am
by maki
Knock, knock...

Who's there?


Re: Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 12:28 pm
by emmline
Yeah, well...since it told me I'm a Cyberman, I'm disinclined to recommend this quiz as a go-to source for self insight.

Re: Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 12:31 pm
by ytliek
maki wrote:Knock, knock...

Who's there?


Re: Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 12:45 pm
by Nanohedron
Well, I know full well that my personality modulates, so for today apparently I'm a Dalek. I despise Daleks in principle because the concept is totally lame. Who would want to be one? They're peevish, have peevish voices to match, are limited to a clumsy toilet plunger appendage, and their momma dresses 'em funny. You just wanna slap them. Seriously, those ineffectual coffeepots got to be a menace how? And I'm supposed to be that? Stupid quiz...

No. I, on the other hand, offer a stark contrast to the Dalek model. I'm quite affable and help little old ladies cross the street, have a mellifluous voice and nimble hands at the end of two capable arms, and have been routinely complimented on my sartorial acumen. But I must also admit I'm not altogether unwilling to EXTERMINATE. Just strictly in theory, of course.

Re: Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:38 pm
by MTGuru
Doctor Hu:



Re: Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:57 pm
by Roderick [Rod] Sprague IV
Cyberman? I even answered the what does the Universe need question with more compassion and got Cyberman?

Re: Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:30 am
by MikeS
Nanohedron wrote:Well, I know full well that my personality modulates, so for today apparently I'm a Dalek. I despise Daleks in principle because the concept is totally lame. Who would want to be one? They're peevish, have peevish voices to match, are limited to a clumsy toilet plunger appendage, and their momma dresses 'em funny. You just wanna slap them. Seriously, those ineffectual coffeepots got to be a menace how? And I'm supposed to be that? Stupid quiz...
The Daleks required an even greater suspension of disbelief in the early days of the show. It was tough to imagine how the universe was going to be conquered by beings who couldn't climb stairs and could be disabled by tossing a blanket over them. Of course, as I age I might resemble that vision of the Daleks more and more, right down to the peevishness.

The quiz told me that I was the Tardis. In the episode "The Doctor's Wife" the Tardis took on a human-like form.


I'll take that over a Dalek or Cyberman any day. :)

Re: Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:32 am
by Nanohedron
I'm just sorry, but having cut my teeth on Tom Baker I've been unwilling to watch any other before or since. I honestly don't know how you guys do it.

Re: Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:23 am
by MikeS
Nanohedron wrote:I'm just sorry, but having cut my teeth on Tom Baker I've been unwilling to watch any other before or since. I honestly don't know how you guys do it.
I'll agree he was an excellent Doctor, but who can forget him in the role he was born to play. :D

Re: Dr. Who Quiz

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:29 pm
by Nanohedron
Oh, I remember that now. It was brilliant. :lol: