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How are all the Chiffer's in the World?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:45 pm
by jkwest
With all the craziness going on weather wise and natural disasters, I just wanted to do a headcheck on all the people out there to see else is experiencing the very weird abnormalities going on right now.

My air quality is shot from this fire in Lake Tahoe...I am starting to feel it in my lungs today. My favorite camping location is about to go up like a tinderbox and it has me in a very disturbed frame of mind.

Anyone else out there?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 4:17 pm
by chrisoff
Apparently it snowed near here today, but the weatherman on TV wrote it off as soft hail. It hasn't been very summery anyway.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 4:59 pm
by pipersgrip
hot as can be, in Fla you just sweat sitting outside, and my job is an outside job. it is miserable. but i am doing great, cant let the weather get to me. :D

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 4:59 pm
by hyldemoer
After over a month of drought, Chicago has been getting intermittent down pours of rain the past couple of days.
I was down in Indiana last weekend at the Fiddlers Gathering dressed in plastic garbage bags for lack of appropriate rain attire.

Yesterday the street in front of my house looked like a canal for about a half hour. This morning I had to water my outside potted plants because they'd dried out and wilted over.
The first few minutes of the deluge today one could almost hear it turn into steam as it hit the pavement.

Yeah, weather here has been icky but not as icky as it could be.
No hail (though I did experience some while visiting my daughter's cabin in the UP last week).
No flooding bad enough to loose a car in.
No heat bad enough to tempt me to think air conditioning more viable than running around naked while in my house.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:07 pm
by djm
Fecking hot, humid, miserable. Smog warnings. Thunder storm warnings. All quite typical for this area from June through September.


Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:38 pm
by Whistlin'Dixie
I love the delightfully hot, humid summer weather here in "The Swamp"

Lots of rain this summer so far, though...


Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:56 pm
by Steamwalker
It's actually quite pleasant here but I am here in San Diego who some claim may offer the best whether in the country. To me, I am not a fan of the heat and we are now in summer.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:20 pm
by Redwolf
Weather's about perfect in the Santa Cruz Mountains right now, but we're all anxiously watching the fire in Tahoe and remembering uneasily just how dry it is this year. All it would take is some idiot tourist with a campfire, or someone flicking a cigarette out the window....


Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:21 pm
by Nanohedron
Drought here. Not as serious as some places (the Everglades need four feet of rain right now!!!), but drought all the same. Strange to be in a drought when the air's humid. Hasn't been beastly hot yet, but it's only late June. We shall see.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:32 pm
by Jerry Freeman
Well, the rats are down to few enough that they're hardly noticeable (unless you happen to notice one). Everyone who lives around here's been having to deal with them, so it seems to be a widespread phenomenon.

The problem with having only one or two remaining rats is, it's hard to get them hungry enough that they'll venture into a live trap. (I don't care to kill them, even if that would be easier.) With nine children and a dog in the house, it seems there's always a Cheerio or a bit of kibble somewhere to accomodate a night visitor, and it doesn't take much to sustain one rat.

Now that it's become difficult to catch the rats, I'm starting to use a repellent containing fox urine. We'll see if that makes a difference.

I've been wondering how they get the fox urine. Is there a labor union for foxes? Does the contract stipulate that the foxes are allowed bathroom breaks? What's the hourly rate for a fox? The fox urine based repellent is expensive, so I'm assuming these are highly skilled, well paid foxes.

Best wishes,

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:55 pm
by emmline
Mid-Atlantic report:
Hot, but not too bad, really.
Last week was wonderful, and perfect with all the windows open.
No natural disasters impacting our feelings toward the weather, at present.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:35 pm
by anniemcu
Finally getting much needed rain again. The pond was back down a foot and we've had threats but no measurable rain for quite some time again. It's been fully fledged wet for a couple of hours now, and it is wonderful!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:47 pm
by cowtime
I've never seen it so dry here. We've mown our grass twice in the last two months, and that was just to cut down the thistles and cornflower weeds that of course had shot up. Farmers have given up on a second cutting of hay. I don't even want to think what will happen this winter when much needed hay is not there. Folks gardens didn't come up, or are barely surviving unless they were watered. We have had two short showers and that is it. Vineyards are the only thing not suffering. But they got all their first buds killed by a late frost so sugars will be up but harvest will be less.

This year's weather has been awful so far.

We finally broke down and turned on the AC yesterday. Usually, this time of year it does get humid during the day, then cools off at night. Not this year. We are being careful with our water consumption since who knows what shape our well is in...

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:16 pm
by peeplj
Hot and humid here with a thundershower or two every now and again...pretty normal weather here.

Beautiful, rolling hills, the bones of old old mountains.

Family, friends, five fuzzy ferrets, a good job, a loving wife...and this weekend I'll get to play the music in one of our best and liveliest sessions in Hot Springs Village, where two very special old friends will join me from my old home town to play some old tunes and some new ones.

We have a good life here.

There are much worse places to be.


Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:44 am
by Innocent Bystander
Buckinghamshire, UK.

It's wet. My wife got briefly caught by floods in the next village on Saturday, and had to take the very long way home as they receded.
Our company network collapsed briefly yesterday as one of the servers got flooded, but it's back up again.

So far the Midlands and the North of England has it worst. All the money that went on flood defences in the last ten years seemed to go around London and in Oxford. Funny, that.
I shouldn't complain. The Jubilee Water system probably saved us from getting wet feet.