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Spring may not be on the way just yet

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 2:39 pm
by TomB
OK, I did not see this myself, so I don't know if it's true, or not- in court, a judge would sustain a hearsay objection on this, but-

a co-worker just said that she heard on the radio that the East coast may be in for a "giant" winter storm come Monday- sorry Dwinterfield.


Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 3:19 pm
by Loren
Cripes man, I hope not: I had to shovel again today ( my employer owns 3 buildings in a row plus a parking lot), and I'm about over it :roll:


Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:54 pm
by Feadan
Yep. Looks like we're in for a messy mix of rain and snow from Monday to Tuesday. Sorry, Loren. I'm not looking forward to standing out in it while waiting for the train on those days. What can ya do?


Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 6:45 am
by brewerpaul
I try not to get too worked up over weather forecasts several days out. The news media ALWAYS hype these since they keep people tuned in to see what dire weather is coming. Weather is so variable, that it often as not changes by the time the day actually arrives.
In my Podiatry office, this is especially irksome. My elderly patients call and say"I want to cancel my appointment for next Tues because we're going to have a blizzard". Sure enough, Tuesday rolls around and I sit in my empty office looking out the window at a sunny day... arrrrrgh!! I'd be better off home making whistles!!

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 8:53 am
by Unseen122
Well I might not have school is all I can say. :D

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:46 pm
by dwinterfield
I know it's not right to gloat, but I think, being south of Boston, I'm going to be on the rain side of the rain/snow line. Of course if a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil or a flute player over blows in Australia, we'll get another 2 feet of snow.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:28 pm
by Loren
Feadan wrote:Yep. Looks like we're in for a messy mix of rain and snow from Monday to Tuesday. Sorry, Loren. I'm not looking forward to standing out in it while waiting for the train on those days. What can ya do?

Mmm, move to Hawaii perhaps?


Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:14 pm
by Rin
I must say I'd appreciate a big snowfall... better late than never, after all. :roll:

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:33 pm
by Feadan
Loren wrote:
Feadan wrote:What can ya do?

Mmm, move to Hawaii perhaps?

Yeah...I suppose the worst thing you may have to worry about there is the occasional volcanic eruptions.


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 2:03 pm
by TomB
brewerpaul wrote:I try not to get too worked up over weather forecasts several days out. The news media ALWAYS hype these since they keep people tuned in to see what dire weather is coming. Weather is so variable, that it often as not changes by the time the day actually arrives.
In my Podiatry office, this is especially irksome. My elderly patients call and say"I want to cancel my appointment for next Tues because we're going to have a blizzard". Sure enough, Tuesday rolls around and I sit in my empty office looking out the window at a sunny day... arrrrrgh!! I'd be better off home making whistles!!
Oh, I agree, I don't get too worked up about it too early either. I really only posted because of an earlier thread telling winter to go away.

Looks pretty certain that we will get hit, here in CT.

All the Best, Tom

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 2:10 pm
by missy

Honestly, they've been talking about a "winter weather advisory" all weekend, it's raining and 40 right now, but it's supposed to turn to snow overnight, we "could" have 2 inches by morning, and an additional 2 inches during the day tomorrow.........
Or we could have nothing........
Or we could have 12 inches.........
I haven't seen a weather report yet, just heard on radio. If the weathermen still have their suit coats on, and no one is reporting from the rest area either north or south of the city, we're still in good shape.


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:15 pm
by fancypiper
The nice thing about snow is that it covers up all the messy stuff with a nice, white carpet.

Another nice thing is, when it warms up, it will melt away.

Staying home, baking bread and enjoying our nice, white carpet, I would guess about 6" worth.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:52 pm
by Jennie
I usually love snow. And we get plenty here. But the shoveling this month has been oppressive! My husband broke his hand and now I'm doubling up on all the chores. Another foot fell this morning... at least I already chopped enough wood and hauled enough water for a couple of days. I'll be very very glad when he gets his cast off!

Better him than me though. He doesn't play music. :lol:

Free rent on the sofa for anyone who wants to come help.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:03 pm
by scottielvr
Y'all in New England and the midwest will laugh till it hurts about this one. The NWS just upgraded our winter storm warning to a "heavy snow warning" ...because they are now predicting -- get ready to guffaw -- a mighty 1 to 3 inches overnight, and another 1 to 3 inches tomorrow. That's not even very serious by modest Southern standards. Don't know what they're smoking down there in Greenville....

There, now you had a good laugh, don't you feel better?

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:20 pm
by izzarina
scottielvr wrote:The NWS just upgraded our winter storm warning to a "heavy snow warning" ...because they are now predicting -- get ready to guffaw -- a mighty 1 to 3 inches overnight, and another 1 to 3 inches tomorrow.
A couple of winters ago, we got about a foot of snow (which I agree, for Ohio that 's a big deal). But the county just south of us was CLOSED in a state of emergency for a whole week over it. No one was allowed to drive or else they'd get a ticket. I had a nice guffaw about that, having grown up in upstate NY :wink:
Right now, it's snowing like mad here. We are supposed to get up to 5 inches tonight with another 4 possible tomorrow. My kids are going to be very excited, that's for sure!