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A World of Ends

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 10:49 am
by peeplj
I don't put out many OT posts, but I came across something I had to share.

As a routine part of my week I spend usually between 5 and 20 hours trying to explain to customers / end users / parents / teachers / kids what the Internet is and what it isn't.

This website has one of the simplest and most elegant explanations of what it really is, and of the ten most common misconceptions of what it is and isn't:

If you ever find yourself trying to explain to someone why the Intenet isn't just "Cable TV with a million channels," send 'em to that site.


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 11:01 am
by glauber

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 8:28 pm
by elendil
...the Web, like television, is a way to hold eyeballs still while advertisers spray them with messages.
Well, there goes another misconception--wonder where I ever got it?

Hey, isn't that Doc Searles one of those pinko, subversive Linux advocates that wants us all to have free, reliable, secure software?