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finding instructional material for flute making

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 2:05 am
by Switchfoot
Hey, I posted this on the flute forum and thought, why not post it here too?

Hello to all the people in the flute forum,
I recently have become interested in the making of flute or fifes, and am curious if there are any instructional material for teaching people the basics(?) that. I'm pretty sure that the best way would be to learn under a more experienced flute maker, but since I dont have any around... I was hoping you'd be able to help me. Thank you all ahead of time for your time and help.


Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 6:10 am
by brewerpaul
Here's a good starting point:

Or here:

Warning-- instrument making can be even more addictive than instrument playing. Be forewarned...

You will probably start out making PVC instruments. Terrific stuff, but heed the safety warnings about working with it. The sanding dust will get in your lungs and stay there forever. Wear a mask!!