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A shop at the end of Fisher Street, Doolin

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 3:00 pm
by Tradman
Back in 2004 I traveled to Ireland for a week-long Summer Music school program called Meitheal. Near the end of my trip I visited Doolin for a day and while there I walked down to the end of Fisher Street to the area that has the ferry. There was a shop down there that I went in to and bought a softdrink or snack and also used the payphone to call home to my wife. Now when I look on Google Earth, I no longer see a shop at the end but only that a Coast Guard station has been built and the ferry ticket building. I am writing a journal about my trip and was looking for details and was curious if there was indeed a larger shop than what is there now, or if all along it was only the ferry ticket building(s) and they had stuff to buy inside and I am remembering it bigger than what it appears to be now.

Thanks for any info.

Re: A shop at the end of Fisher Street, Doolin

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:32 pm
by Mr.Gumby


Re: A shop at the end of Fisher Street, Doolin

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 7:54 am
by Tradman
Mr Gumby, Thanks for the photo.

From what I can see, it appears that this shop is quite a bit shallower in depth from front to back than what I remember in 2004. I wonder when this photo was taken.

Re: A shop at the end of Fisher Street, Doolin

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 9:18 am
by Mr.Gumby
That's from the mid nineties, it is also and from 'father Ted'. They used it as 'John and Mary's shop' for the filming but it's pretty much how it looked at the time, apart from the signage

I can't remember exactly but I don't think it changed a lot until they tore up the whole area for the new pier and parking area (that, predictably, gets destroyed during each big wonter storm).

Re: A shop at the end of Fisher Street, Doolin

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 8:11 am
by Tradman
Ah, maybe that is why the helicopter looks so familiar! Well, thanks for the info. Like I said, in my memory that store/shop was different but maybe I'm a bit backwards on some details.