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Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 7:58 am
by PB+J
Ok so I have a book coming out --in May now, due to supply chain issues. When I was last in Dublin a well-known musician suggested I should have a launch event at the Willie Clancy school. I contacted the organizers and they thought it was a fine idea, so it looks like I'll be there for the week. I'd like to take some flute instruction while I'm over there, and see the concerts and lectures.

I have some dumb questions. If there are book tables, where would they be? I need to find a place to stay and would rather be closer if possible. Where do most of the workshops and events take place?

I would kind of like to get a sense of how the week proceeds before making any reservations.

Thanks for any help!

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:11 am
by Mr.Gumby
The launch event is usually in the school in Spanish Point, tables are set up for selling stuff. Launches in a separate room (I usually buy what I want avoid the launching chatter there but you may want to find someone to launch the thing for you, if you are into that sort of thing). Na Piobairi Uilleann used to run a shop in the hall, selling CDs and books but they have decided that wasn't worth the hassle so you will have to find a different outlet to sell your wares during the weeik (best check with Emmett if they are really not doing the shop). Flute classes are in the National school and private houses in town (mostly on the Mullagh Road for the flute). If you're looking for accomodation, contact Maureen, best to be quick as it will be massive this year, after being online for two years and it being the 50th anniversary of the school. Accomodation in the town will be at a premium.

I have the new, provisional, programme for 2022 and contact info, if you need it. It may be up on the school's website, I haven't checked that

We just had the Concertina Cruinniu in town this weekend and it was good to have something going on, music, people to talk to.


Even some fluteplayers turned up :D

Image Image

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:39 am
by PB+J
Thank you that's helpful. When you refer to the school in Spanish point which one do you mean? I'm emailing Maureen now, and I'll talk to Emmett

I'm good at the writing and research, but pretty bad at the promotion business

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:45 am
by Mr.Gumby
St Joseph's secondary school

Launches are on the afternoon of the first Sunday of the week, that would be July 3d this year.

Seán's bookshop on the Ennis road will take some copies on sale or return, certainly for the week. Also Oidhreacht an Chláir (OAC) on the Flag Road.

While in Clare you may as well leave a batch at Custy's, they're sound and will help out without trying to diddle you. Orla ans Skip in the tradmus shop in Doolin may take some as well.

When booking accomodation, make sure it is where you want it, some Miltown Malbay postal addresses on the accomodation list may be in townlands five miles out of town. Don't assume anything.

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 11:01 am
by PB+J
Thank you kindly Mr. G--Maureen has found me a room in a respectable house. And thank you for you other suggestions. Emmett sent me some excellent suggestions as well.

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 4:47 pm
by Mr.Gumby
Perhaps I should elaborate a bit. I probably take a lot about the week for granted (2022 will be my 43d Willie week).

The launch event is a big event where every man and his dog comes to launch whatever Irish music related they have produced. CDs, books and what have you. It's a social event with cheap plonk and soggy cream crackers and sweaty cheddar.

If you are enrolled there are classes in the mornings, concerts or talks for those so inclined during the afternoon and evening. Informal madness and music all the time in every corner in town and surrounding area.

As I said, it can be overwhelming to negotiate a way through it all but best take it as you find it and take it all in. No point In chasing the next thing for fear of missing out. You will miss things, inevitably, so best enjoy what you do get. I always tell people everybody has a different week depending on the crowd they fall in with.

Hope for nice weather.

Patsy Hanly will fo the official opening this year followed by Nicholas Carolan looking back to 1973. During the week Bradshaw will do a talk shout Bill Stapleton and his recordings, tribute will be paid to Bobby Gardiner, among many other things . Pick and mix.

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 5:22 pm
by bigsciota
Mr.Gumby wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 4:47 pm Patsy Hanly will fo the official opening this year followed by Nicholas Carolan looking back to 1973. During the week Bradshaw will do a talk shout Bill Stapleton and his recordings, tribute will be paid to Bobby Gardiner, among many other things . Pick and mix.
You made me do a frantic Google search about Bobby, glad this is merely a tribute and not a memorial tribute! Great man, took accordion lessons from him for a bit and even though I was terrible and ended up switching to the flute (well, that and I couldn't afford my own box at the time), his philosophy and advice continues to guide how I approach things.

Probably won't make it this year, but I'll just second Mr. Gumby's advice that there is so much going on that you will inevitably miss so many things that you want to do. Going with the flow seems to work well; my favorite memories of the week are invariably the ones that just happened to happen. Trying to force things, especially when the town is absolutely packed and every single pub and event is filled to the brim with people, usually just leads to hassle and inconvenience.

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 5:54 pm
by Mr.Gumby
I see how that must have sounded. :oops:

They do these tribute events when the person is still there, with all friends turning up to play, reminisce and say nice things. It's the nicer way of doing it. Bobby is a gas man.

The one for Tommy Peoples was particularly poignant. He was very sick and everyone turned up the place was packed to the rafters and filled with love and appreciation .
He died only a few weeks later.

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:48 pm
by PB+J
Thank you both for the advice, its much appreciated. It sounds fantastic. Or possibly terrible!

I don't really like the idea of sitting at a table all day with a pile of books--but that might be a lot calmer

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:48 am
by Mr.Gumby
It's a bit of both.

It's a terrible beauty.

Just go with it.

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 3:51 am
by kkrell
Man, the black tape!
Mr.Gumby wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:11 am Image

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:16 am
by Mr.Gumby
Michael has been on that Rudall for six decades or so and he's still going well, in spite or probably because of the tape.

But it could do with a bit of an overhaul to tidy it up.

Just realised in 2019 the launch event was held in the marquee on the bog road. There was building work going on in the school in Spanish Point at the time. I assume they will go back to the school but it's not impossible they will stick with the other location. There is more space and room to move around there. We'll find out.

The bookshops in Ennistymon are also likely to take a few copies of the book.

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 7:07 am
by PB+J
I was sitting there in January thinking "should I do this?" and then I thought "why the hell would you NOT do this?"

Is there a place where vendors remain during the week? Or is it one and done at the launch?

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:41 am
by Mr.Gumby
Is there a place where vendors remain during the week? Or is it one and done at the launch?
It's the launch and after that you are on your own. The school's committeee doesn't provide for commercial trading. Or at least hasn't in the past. The NPU shop provided an outlet for books and recordings and whatever music/school related items people wanted to sell but with that gone things are up in the air and some re-thinking may have taken place but I don't know about that. You'll have to ask Harry.

A lot of commercial traders set up around town, rent empty shops etc, various music shops roll into town to flog stuff that way (not top mention the mobile fast food outlets providing late night soakage) . There used to be a roaring trade by people setting up market stalls in the street but that was suppressed during the nineties and diverted to Church street where it never really took off, just a few stalls selling tat and t shirts, mostly not music related.

The (book)shops I already mentioned will be an outlet for your book, they'll take a cut though. Tommy Peoples, after publishing his book sold copies out of the house he was staying in during the week. That was very much the exception though (and oviously his publication would have attracted a lot of interest from people who didn't make it to the launch and got it there).

Re: Tell me about Willie Clancy Week?

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:38 pm
by PB+J
That sounds great--I can ask the Press to get copies to the bookshops, and then I can be free to roam about and take lessons