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Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:14 pm
by jsluder
SteveShaw wrote:I have a hundred great jokes I was going to share, but as they're all about farts and willies I don't think I'll bother. I know a good primary school down the road...
That would be my "20 Reasons to Groan" thread.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:35 pm
by gonzo914
Well, I thought they were most excellent and funny, especially the first one. But I'm running for pope and would laugh at an old lady falling down a manhole if I thought it would net me one more vote.

And on the related subjects of Steve's no doubt excellent f*rt jokes and jsludr's groans thread, maybe we could save time by just posting punchlines. Those who don't understand it or who have a questions can PM or email the teller. Here's an example --

"Well I got a letter from her lawyer. She died and left me the car, the tractor, the farm and the house in town."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:39 am
by Nanohedron
dubhlinn wrote:It has never failed to amaze me how the country that has produced some of the greatest poets and playrights of all time can find the humour of the schoolyard so funny.
Y'know, it just occurred to me that the literary legacy might actually be a proportional backlash from the norm, born out of the frustrations of a few. The more tension on the bow, the more powerful the release, after all. :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:17 am
by Cayden
dubh wrote: It has never failed to amaze me how the country that has produced some of the greatest poets and playrights of all time can find the humour of the schoolyard so funny.
On the other hand Dubh, other countries we know that have produced writers, poets saints and scholars but at the same time also have Podge and Rodge as their summit of funny. Image


Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:53 am
by SteveShaw
:lol: Nice one, Peter!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:40 am
by SteveShaw
In spite of my high dudgeon yesterday over the apparent funereal mood of the chiffers responding to my "amusing" Prague pics, I thought I'd relent and show you some more. They are not funny, OK?

Here's a rooftop view from the Vrtbovská Garden at Malá Strana in Prague. I love a nice roof. BTW, the little garden is incredibly beautiful and hardly anyone goes there. It's a must if you ever visit Prague. I have pictures somewhere.

Not a great photo but it encapsulates a lot about Prague - lovely street architecture at every turn, cobbled roads, tram-lines, beautiful patterned pavements made of small coloured cubes of stone set in sand...

A peaceful view of the Vltava - cue Smetana....

Night scene taken from the castle overlooking the city. You need to take a mini-tripod for your camera!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:58 am
by GaryKelly
:lol: heeeheee! Teeeheeee! Steve-dude, that's sooo funny! Look at the guy taking his dog for a walk in the boat!! :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:06 am
by SteveShaw
GaryKelly wrote::lol: heeeheee! Teeeheeee! Steve-dude, that's sooo funny! Look at the guy taking his dog for a walk in the boat!! :lol:
:really: Congratulations on beating everyone else to it. I was waiting for a non-American to be the first to see the subtle, hidden humour. Actually, if you look more closely, you'll see that he is in fact having a pee over the dog's back. Why do you think I took the pic in the first place? :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:27 am
by I.D.10-t
SteveShaw wrote:Actually, if you look more closely, you'll see that he is in fact having a pee over the dog's back.
Does that mean that the dog is taking the man for a walk?
gonzo914 wrote:maybe we could save time by just posting punchlines.
It's been done.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:36 am
by Flyingcursor
I'm still wondering why taking the picture of the police was taking your life in your hands.

I saw the guy standing in his boat but I thought it was a tribute to George Washington. :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:43 am
by SteveShaw
I'm not used to seeing cops with weapons strolling around Bude and whenever I see cops in European countries such as Spain they always look a damn sight more fearsome than ours for some reason. Big truncheons or worse, chewing gum, fag in gob sort of thing. Not that UK cops are all Mr Nice Guys/Gals but at least you see people talking to 'em! I waited a couple of minutes for them to start crossing the road with their backs to me before furtively pressing the shutter, and a few Czech people around looked at me with a "I don't think what you're doing is very sensible" apprehensive look about them.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:48 am
by djm
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Man, look at those roofs! I've never seen anything so funny!
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:02 am
by chrisoff
That can't be Prague, where's all the drunken geordie stag parties I keep hearing about?

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:16 am
by dfernandez77
Nice pics Steve.

And the first two are right funny.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:43 am
by SteveShaw
chrisoff wrote:That can't be Prague, where's all the drunken geordie stag parties I keep hearing about?
It is. Oddly, that's two such benighted cities we've visited this year, the other being Dublin. We spent every day walking our back legs off in Prague (the sun beamed on us), eschewing public transport completely, which in retrospect is easily the best way to get to know the city, though you do miss out on some of the rubbernecking sites that way due to lack of speediness. So, we can always go back! We were so knackered each evening that we just rolled down to a local pub/restaurant near the hotel, which was out of the city centre somewhat, so we avoided the evening fleshpots. The grub was hearty and the beer, it goes without saying, was cheap and superb. Not another Brit in sight either. If ever you're in Prague drink Bernard. You won't be disappointed, but don't pay more than about 80p per pint for it! Everything is much more expensive in the city centre. You can be ripped off if you're not canny.

Here's a couple of "memorial" pics, one sombre, the other not so.

This is the little memorial to Jan Palach,the student who burned himself to death (though he took three days to die) in protest against the Russian invasion in 1968, the brutal ending of the Prague Spring, on the spot in Wenceslas Square where the memorial is.


And here's a nice bit of public art, the John Lennon Wall:

And a detail from the wall:
