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Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 10:56 pm
by jim stone
I knew a Belgian man who spent four years in India, starting in 1950
when he was 20. He became an Indian, in effect, he roamed about,
slept on the streets or wherever. One morning he awoke
in a clearing in the Himmalayas. Beautiful birds were flying all about.A tiger walked across the clearing, stopped, looked at him,
and went on.

For a long while he worked for a leper colony, milking cows.
The lepers gave the milk to the people of surrounding
villages, who wouldn't drink it if the cows were milked by

After four years this man, Albert, went to Kabul, where
a Western friend played him Beethoven symphonies
on the victrola. Albert fell ill and went to a doctor,
who asked him what was the matter. Albert began
sobbing uncontrollably. 'Go back,' the doctor said.
'You're European; you've been here too long.'
So he did.

I met Albert on my way to India in 72, he was returning.
He went back to the leper colony, which now was
running a university for handicapped people. Best