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Re: This is just sick

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:26 pm
by dwest
fearfaoin wrote:
Dale wrote:Hey. How 'bout them Yankees?
Don't even get me started on how them Yankees drive.
I understand that in North Carolina they're even worse if they've been filtered through Florida.

Re: This is just sick

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:11 pm
by JackCampin
The guy was named "Eric Rsel Weers".

He'd been carrying "Rsel" around as his name for his whole life.

I think I can imagine why he might have come to hate the entire human race.

Re: This is just sick

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:17 pm
by Paul
Just a few thoughts about this. The thread kinda hit home in a way sort of.

My mom got diagnosed with cancer in May. By June 23 she was gone.

My sister and I have more than once since talked about the fact that this is just like she were hit by a car and taken from us. Then we ask what the hell would it matter at this point if she were hit by a car or something... In the end it doesn't really make any difference if someone is killed by a maniac or by a disease like my mom was. The only real difference is our relationship to the situation. We are more likely to simply accept that people die of cancer/TB/aids or whatever than we are to accept that some other person has taken the life of someone in our world. In the end the only damn thing that matters is that the person is gone for good and there's nothing we can do about it. Maybe because there's no one to blame. I spent the better part of a month in seething anger at no one and nothing before I let go. Now I'm just trying to get things back on track.

Regarding the crazed individual who hit the woman in Santa Cruz, there was a time when I would have said I hoped that he got fed feet first into a meat grinder whilst having to listen to the soundtrack to Electric Boogaloo. Then Dale sent me a book that is largely about how victims' families generally feel about their perpetrators.

Redwolf your analogy about the car being a potential weapon and all that is right on but you could think about most anything like that. Someone could push a vending machine over on another person, a toaster or hairdryer can be lethal as well as can just about anything we make or use from day to day. I work with toxic chemicals (oil paints) all day every day, etc... I guess just try and get your arms around it and carry on. Otherwise you're gonna be a shut-in and it would be a crying shame to deprive the world of your presence. :)

Re: This is just sick

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:02 pm
by s1m0n
Redwolf wrote:What in heaven's name would cause a person to deliberately drive the wrong way onto a freeway, accelerate, and cross two lanes of traffic in order to hit a vehicle head on?
Intense, abstract rage.
Dale wrote:But, I've seen some cases of the most severe depression, and it's a terrifying thing to behold.
It's worse to live, but the creepiest thing about it is that it's NOT terrifying. In fact, right in the middle there's a tiny oasis of calm. I've been hospitalized for severe depression, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.