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Re: Marrow Goodness

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:19 pm
by Nanohedron
emmline wrote:I'm not sure about any of this being on the Dean Ornish diet plan. I will have to check the book.
Dean Ornish can kiss my asparagus. Yes, I'm a poster child for bad habits, but while I refuse to be orthorexic about it, one thing I do do is eat healthily overall, as meat eaters go. An occasional little indulgence like this won't kill me. But even if it did, it would be the best last meal I can think of. :)

Re: Marrow Goodness

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:22 pm
by kkrell
Nanohedron would be the best last meal I can think of. :)
Maybe it would help move some of the California executions along. Oh, wait, we killed that forum, didn't we?

Re: Marrow Goodness

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:27 pm
by emmline
Nanohedron wrote:while I refuse to be orthorexic about it
Good. I'm completely in favor of heterorexia.

Re: Marrow Goodness

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:18 am
by Nanohedron
emmline wrote:I'm completely in favor of heterorexia.
It is the Middle Path, after all. And I'm glad to say that even I have the moral fortitude to actually eat vegetarian fare, too. Of course in my case usually that means a salad without bacon bits, but there you have it.

Re: Marrow Goodness

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 8:37 pm
by walrii
Nanohedron wrote:So, pork marrow or beef marrow? What more do I have to do, start a freakin' poll?
Since you are on your way to the butcher's anyway, why not get some of both, roast them, taste them and then report back here with your results? I, for one, am waiting breathlessly to see what word you use to describe the less-unctuous sample.

Re: Marrow Goodness

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:08 pm
by Nanohedron
I had no idea that someone might be a fancier of my pen! I usually think of it as a curse upon me, and as an undeserved scourge to the poor, hapless reader. :love:

A side-by-side taste test does sound best, doesn't it, and I think that is what I should do. Good idea. I would probably like them both, but I have a suspicion that I will be partial to the flavor of pork marrow. But pork bones are smaller than beef bones of course, so to me they would have to be really, really, fabulously extra-good for me to say, "Less is more."

Bear in mind that marrow being marrow, I expect it's improbable that either would outstrip the other in unctuousness, for that is more a texturally indulgent sensation that is the vehicle for the flavors that come with it.

I do have to go to the grocer today or tomorrow, and I've looked forward to having a little talk with the butcher since I began this thread. But the taste test may need to wait for a time yet, because I still have to dispose of the remains of the ham, and that means either split pea soup or boiled dinner. Let us be patient; I promise I shall not disappoint you. :)

Re: Marrow Goodness

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:21 pm
by Nanohedron
Hmm. I asked, and the young lady didn't know the first thing about it; she told me I would have to ask the actual butchers, and they're gone after 2pm. 2pm? This is turning into a real project.