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Sheet Music For "The Coast of Malabar" (Cooder/Chieftains)

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:28 pm
by Tom Dowling

Long time, no post. A while back I went over to the 'dark side' (actually, the shiny side--the 'silver' flute). I am starting with slow and easy tunes that I have familiarity with on the whistle. Therefore I am looking for the sheet music for 'The Coast of Malabar' as it is found on the Long Black Veil CD (Chieftains with Ry Cooder on this track). I believe it is in E-Flat Major and I think I noodle along with it correctly on the E-Flat and B-Flat whistles, but would like the benefit of having the dots and lines to be sure. My teacher has asked me bring in sheet music for it and has suggested that I take a stab at creating my own by transcribing what I think I know. Were I to do this it will surely not be a thing of beauty when I am done with it and, at best, will probably just reduce to writing ('hen scratching') the liberties I am probably already taking with this wonderful tune. Hey, new instrument, new beginning, why not correct sheet music?

I will appreciate it if anyone can send me a copy of said sheet music if to do so will not be a misuse of any third party's work product.

It is good to be back.

Be Well,

Tom Dowling

Re: Sheet Music For "The Coast of Malabar" (Cooder/Chieftains)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:00 am
by Mack.Hoover
Mr. Dowling!
It's good to have you back.
Silver flute hooked me and James Galway mesmerized me.
Till I heard him play a red headed penny whistle.
That transformed me. I gave my flute away.
Then along came a guy from New York
Who led me farther astray. Down the penny whistle garden path.
What am I to say?
Can we still be friends?

Re: Sheet Music For "The Coast of Malabar" (Cooder/Chieftains)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:20 am
by Normski
Here's a link to the sheet music but it's in D with a middle section in Bflat. Hope it's ok for your purposes.

if you get the Chieftains version please let me know

Re: Sheet Music For "The Coast of Malabar" (Cooder/Chieftains)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:34 am
by PhilO
My God, welcome back Tom! So good to hear from you.

Re: Sheet Music For "The Coast of Malabar" (Cooder/Chieftains)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:54 am
by Tom Dowling
Hello Mack, Phil and Normski:

To be sure, one of the great things about c and f is the always warm welcome of old friends. Another is the joy of making new ones. Thanks for the replies. That sheet music is most beautiful and transposing it to e-flat major--if I have that right--is, arguably, within my meager scope. We will see.

It is GREAT to be back.

My Best to you,

Tom D.

Re: Sheet Music For "The Coast of Malabar" (Cooder/Chieftains)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 9:00 am
by ytliek
Well, for those of us newbie-ish people that are unfamiliar with the song here's a YouTube.

Thanks for posting, lovely song.

Re: Sheet Music For "The Coast of Malabar" (Cooder/Chieftains)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 9:20 am
by Tom Dowling
Indeed, I have long loved the music that Ry Cooder has involved himself with. An acquaintance who shares that view provided me with a link to a 1987 performance in Santa Cruz that I think is one of the best live shows of that decade. WARNING: It Ain't Irish/Celtic/Scot. I think the brief intro he provides in the first minute or two is critical to understanding the show. The version of Chain Gang they do (about 58 minutes in, think) is perhaps my favorite. Followers of RC will recognize the fine crew that he has brought to this event, as they appear on many of his albums (Borderline, Bop 'Til You Drop, Slide Zone and Chicken Skin Music).

I hope I may be excused for wandering off topic and off Celtic here. For any other 'child of the sixties now in his sixties' out there, some good rockin' is on offer here: