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Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:33 pm
by JSCWhistler
Hello all... Recently while at a festival, I played multiple Chieftain whistles at the Hobgoblin booth for something like around an hour straight (much to the dismay of the owner, I'm sure, because I was too broke to buy anything!), but I fell in love with them... Particularly the low F, A, and of course the high D.

The low whistles were indeed a tad bit quiet though, but I'm guessing that was mostly because the bands playing nearby were extremely loud!

So, now that I've been spoiled with high-end whistles, I'm in the market for a new low F to replace my old Susato, which I've slightly tweaked to make sound better (though it clogs much easier now)

My question though from you, my fellow whistle players, which do most of you prefer: The Chieftain/Kerry whistles, or Colin Goldie's?

Colin's look as though it might be longer to get, and slightly more expensive (and I'm an impatient saver), but I've heard many great things about them.

I've actually played Phil's whistles though, as opposed to Colin's, and I liked them a lot...

So... anyone want to give opinions on my ramblings?


Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:17 am
by swizzlestick
I don't play either, so I won't offer an opinion although I have heard both played beautifully.

But you are making this way too easy on yourself. There are lots of other excellent low whistles out there to anguish over. :-)

Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:22 am
by narrowdog
If you do a search on the suject I think you'll find plenty of opinions
singing praises for both sides.
I have 4 Cheiftain/Kerry Pro whistles, all great players.
I sold my Goldie Low D last year so you can see where I stand.
My V3 was plenty loud enough for our session last night with
about 12 of us.


Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:13 am
by hoopy mike
Age old answer: use the search function :-)

Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:24 am
by sablemist
In reading your post, I felt like I could have written it! I noticed you're from Dallas, so it sounds like you were at the North Texas Irish Festival. I too went to the Hobgoblin booth & played their low whistles for a good hour & a half. Only difference is, I did buy one. :-) I was torn for the longest time between the Kerry Low D (the standard model with the blue mouthpiece), and the Chieftain V3. I really loved the Kerry & would have bought it in a heartbeat, but I really wanted a tunable whistle. -But I loved the sound, the feel, and the ease of playing the Kerry. I'm pretty new at this, and it just felt like the perfect whistle for me. It was also almost half the cost of the V3, so more in my current price range. However, I really wanted a tunable, and I thought the V3 would be the better whistle in the long run. I had the same concern as you about the volume though. I really felt it sounded pretty quiet - but like you, I thought it was probably due to the live band playing right there that I couldn't hear it very well. There were 2 of them that I play-tested, and both seemed pretty much the same.

When I got home, I discovered that it really did play very quietly, and that bothered me. So I took it to a flute teacher who has an older Chieftan model, and there was quite a difference between them. He described my V3 a "muffled" sounding, and that was really it. His Chieftain has a very warm, open, and lovely sound, so I don't know if my V3 was just a fluke or if it was meant to sound more quieter & muffed than the older models.

His model was stamped "KWL Chieftain", and it had some numbers on it. Anyone know the difference in these models? I'd love to hear from those who own different Chieftain models. By the way, one thing that made me wonder if something wasn't quite right with the V3, was that when I swabbed it out, a bunch of little medal flakes came off on my cleaning cloth. I didn't think that was good - I'd been breathing those in all the while I played. :-( I didn't know if that's 'cause it was new, but that just didn't seem normal. I had to clean it out over & over before I got them all out of there. Has anyone had this experience?

Bottom line, I ended up shipping it back to exchange it for a KerryPro. After reading up on the Kerry & Chieftain models, I'm hopeful this will be more what I'm looking for. I would have loved the Chieftain if it was like my flute instructor's model, but it was really quite different. Anyway, I should receive the KerryPro in about a week, so I'll let you know how that compares.

Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:45 am
by m31
I have an Overton non-tunable F and a non-tunable Chieftain KWL(?) F. Both are fun to play, both sound differently and both have their idiosyncrasies. It's a toss up.

Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:13 am
by bill

I've owned both Chieftains and Overtons/Goldies and my thoughts are what others on here have said. They both sound and play quite differently. I think their biggest similarity is that they are both made out of aluminum. Both are great whistles. If you want to in the future, you can always sell it and try something else. To add to what sablemist said, all of the Chieftains I've bought new all had little metal bits inside of the body, the're just left over from the machining. A quick rinse or a swab takes care of it pretty easily.

Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:28 am
by jking01
if anyone is interested im selling a kwl low d chieftain that is tunable with a cork tuning slide. Its posted in the for sale/trade forum along with a video link so you can hear the exact whistle for sale. I am selling at well under the going rate to fund another purchase.

Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:43 pm
by Sober Sam

Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:34 am
by Mitch
Phil Hardy/Colin Goldie.

Lots of history there.

They were partners when Bernard trained them to produce Overton whisltes.

Phil and Colin are very different people. I have spoken to them both and have high regard for them both.


All life is a journey of recognising one's own inallienable worth. Both Phil and Colin have done the hard yards. Each have become what they are. ..

I will say this:

Colin has a dedication to his craft that cannot be denied. He has continued to shape the music in teh cast of Bernard's recognition of the needs of pinacle players. All the whistles made by Colin that I have tried are imbued with his love of the craft - an honor. His understanding of "Grace" goes beyond what Bernard first envisaged. For anything requiring sensitivity there are few to match it.

Phil has a certain empathy with what is needed on stage .. his whistles are robust .. almost to the extreme - his understanding and commitment to the performing player is superlatave. His whistles will take more-than-industrial energy and keep giving more .. for myself, I always pick up a Chieftain to play high-energy funk - no other whistle can go there.

It's like everything with whistles - you have to decide who you are before you know which whistle is for you.

If you are very lucky you will try a whole lot of them, and they will teach you who you are.

There are enough makers. There always will be. We rise and die. Always enough .. just.

(Edited to remove erroneous rumor)

Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:44 pm
by Loren
Mitch wrote: I understand they are friends again.

Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:48 pm
by LowWhistler70
Have played both, as well as many other of the "high end" Lows...

The earlier summary of Colin & Phil's individual approaches above is rather accurate IMHO.

As someone who performs on my low whistles at a professional level in a lot of non-trad settings, I have landed on Phil's whistles, and have never looked back after making my decision. I have been very pleased with them.

As they say, your mileage may vary.

Good luck.


Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:58 am
by Goldie
Normally I don't chime in on these threads but thought I should in this case.
Mitch wrote: I understand they are friends again.
I must have been asleep when that took place. Just goes to show, do not believe everything you see or read online even if the person sounds like they know what they are talking about.

But thanks for your kind words about my work, Mitch.

On a side note, as every one here knows who has ordered direct from myself, I work different to most other makers and that also included Bernard, with me it is not a case of ordering a whistle, paying and sending out a whistle that is made (unless someone specifically wants that). We will work out exactly what the player is looking for in terms of playability, sound and other options that are important for them. I have always made to players spec, be it the usual soft, medium, hard blowing heads to extra holes, different tunings etc. Often before the instrument is made but latest when it comes to choosing the instruments we talk on the phone, unless someone wants to come along. As I have worked this way for the last twelve years I know my customer base is mainly consisting of performing players. If you have not worked with me direct then you may not know what I fully do.

Sorry if this comes across like a commercial but this is how I work. I explain what I do on my website.


Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:33 am
by hoopy mike
If you had to fight a duel with a whistle, which whistle would you choose?

Re: Age-old question: Chieftain or Goldie?...

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:52 am
by Mick Down Under
Can't speak for Phil's whistles sound or playabilty. I own a Goldie. I bought it through Southern Cross though and not direct from Colin. It would have been cheaper through Colin. I made my decision after listening to many sound bytes of both whistles, judging the look of both whistles from pictures on the web and then finally judging the personality of each maker from trawling through both their websites. In the end I liked the look of Colins whistles and judged his personality (from reading websites remember) to be much less arrogant than Phil. I'm not saying Phil is arrogant. I can't. I've never met the man. However, my final choice was Goldie/Overton and as I have said many times before. I love it to death...Might have it buried with me...Nah, my kids would dig me up if I did that. They love it too, They're just not allowed to touch it till they're older.
Go with what is right for you...They're both good, I'm sure, but Phil's are uglier and mass produced. Colin's are much prettier and made, if you deal direct with him, to suit your personal tastes.
