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Need help - Recommend a Polishing Cloth for Brass Whistles

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 7:03 pm
by Grexrell

I have a Burke Whistle in Brass, and I've decided to keep it shiny.
(Tried it both ways)

Anyway, out of the various methods to keep your Whistle shiny, It looks like polishing cloths are the most hassle free,
and are better suited for frequent use. (at least to me)


Where should I get them?
I checked the local music stores, and they only have cloths for Lacquered Brass instruments, not unlacquered.
(which according to my research, is what the Burke whistles are)

Looks like the internet is my only hope.

So can you recommend a good website to get them from?
Maybe a particular brand of polishing cloth?
I'm in Canada, so a site willing to ship here is appreciated.

Thanks :D

Once I get an answer I'll post it here, as well as how well the cloth I get works.
(For future reference to some unknown Whistler who wants to know years from now etc..)

Re: Need help - Recommend a Polishing Cloth for Brass Whistles

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 8:04 pm
by MTGuru
I've had glowing recommendations from friends I trust for Sunshine Cloths. Available from Vera's Fashion Jewelry on eBay, in quantities from 1 to 25: ... ubZ6111365

I'll be getting some of these as soon as my current rouge cloth is depleted. I guess you can inquire about shipment to Canada.

Blitz Cloths for unlacquered are probably good, too, but seem to be harder to find.

For the occasional, once-a-year super shining, I really like German-made Simichrome Polish. The tiniest bit does an entire whistle, and the 50 gram tube lasts forever.

Re: Need help - Recommend a Polishing Cloth for Brass Whistles

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 8:32 am
by Grexrell
Thanks :D
They sound like what I'm looking for, so I put through an order for them late last night.

Bought 6 for $11.85 plus 50ยข shipping to Canada (USD)

Thanks again.
I find it alot easier to purchase something when it's recommended, especially by those using it for the same purpose.

Re: Need help - Recommend a Polishing Cloth for Brass Whistles

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:30 pm
by Grexrell
Status report.

I got the cloths in the mail, and have had the opportunity to use them twice.

They work well.
They are 2 sided, and should last a while.
They don't take off ALL the patina. (There is some heavier stuff on the head, that is a bit thicker)
But it does get most of it clean and shiny. I'll throw some Brass cleaner on the head soon, to catch it up with the body, and then I should be able to use the cloths more effectively on the head a well.

So far they work well, and make it alot easier to shine up the whistle just before I head to Friends/Relatives to play for them.
(Takes way too long when using liquid brass cleaner)

Thanks for the recommendation!

Re: Need help - Recommend a Polishing Cloth for Brass Whistles

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:58 pm
by tucson_whistler
i love this website; i searched for "brass cleaner" and found this article; it's exactly what i needed to know. :)


Re: Need help - Recommend a Polishing Cloth for Brass Whistles

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:06 am
by kkrell
vinegar and salt

Re: Need help - Recommend a Polishing Cloth for Brass Whistles

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:23 am
by eskin
For years, I've been using the "Cape Cod" polishing cloths for brass:

Re: Need help - Recommend a Polishing Cloth for Brass Whistles

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:17 am
by slowair
kkrell wrote:vinegar and salt
I absolutely agree. Looks good, tastes great!


For those who missed it and don't want to search... (It's been so long, I can't remember the original author)

Heat a glass or two of vinegar in a pan, bring it to boiling while dissolving kitchen salt in it to saturation. I.e. keep adding salt and stirring until the salt doesn't seem to dissolve any more. It does take a lot, like half-a-glass of salt.

Watch out, do this soup in a well ventilated kitchen: there's chlorine evaporating.

Let it cool outside. Pour in a bottle, slowly to leave the salt deposit in the pan. Stopper the bottle for storage.

This liquid is non toxic, use it on a rag to remove stains on brass/copper whistles (I clean my Sindt with it). Wipe dry. If you dislike the faint vinegar smell remaining, wash with soapy water before drying.

Re: Need help - Recommend a Polishing Cloth for Brass Whistles

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:23 am
by kkrell
actually, for very grungy bits, wet a strong paper towel or cloth with a bit of vinegar, shake on a little salt, and scrub away the gook. Use just straight vinegar to brighten. This gets the whistle clean, but doesn't overdo. To get a good sparkle, then perhaps one of the polishing cloths is a better way to really bring on the shine.