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Thank you, Gaelic Storm

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:45 pm
by FJohnSharp
I had to pick up my kids at camp and it's usually an overnight trip and we pass through Columbus. SOOOO, I dragged the wife to the Dublin (Ohio) Irish Festival. She wasn't against it, it's just not her thing. We watched the Kells, who were good, and had some fish and chips and visited Mike Burke at his booth and I sat in uilleann pipe seminar while she shopped, and then I said I wanted to see Gaelic Storm and she nicely went along.

They weren't at all what she expected. She really liked them. They won her over. She likened them to a good rock act, and they were funny and fun and the crowd was into it and it was a blast.

She even talked about going back.

God love ya, Gaelic Storm.

And anyone who is in driving distance of Dublin Ohio should go next year. It's an outstanding festival.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:07 pm
by Duffy
Storm has their way. My 8 year old grandson saw them at the Milwaukee Irish Fest last year and has memorized the words from all four albums. The whole family plans to see them in Milwaukee again in just 12 more days. I just hope I can fit in all the groups I want to hear.

Re: Thank you, Gaelic Storm

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:09 pm
by Rando7
FJohnSharp wrote:I had to pick up my kids at camp and it's usually an overnight trip and we pass through Columbus. SOOOO, I dragged the wife to the Dublin (Ohio) Irish Festival. She wasn't against it, it's just not her thing. We watched the Kells, who were good, and had some fish and chips and visited Mike Burke at his booth and I sat in uilleann pipe seminar while she shopped, and then I said I wanted to see Gaelic Storm and she nicely went along.

They weren't at all what she expected. She really liked them. They won her over. She likened them to a good rock act, and they were funny and fun and the crowd was into it and it was a blast.

She even talked about going back.

God love ya, Gaelic Storm.

And anyone who is in driving distance of Dublin Ohio should go next year. It's an outstanding festival.
I have a chance to see the Kells in a few weeks, would you recommend them?

I also like Gaelic Storm. They are often criticized by folks who prefer a more traditional approach but as you say they are very entertaining and put on a great show. My wife likes them too!

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:25 pm
by FJohnSharp
The Kells feature a bodhran player, a piper/flautest/whistle player, and a guitar player/singer. They did some straight trad and some more folksy stuff. I liked them. The boshran player is very good and playes very tastefully.

The whistle player did the whistle workshop later in the day. I only stayed for a few minutes when I saw they were going to essentially rehash Whistle 101. But the guy was very entertaining.

I would for sure go to a performance of theirs. I'm planning to buy a CD (available soon, I'm assured, at their website (which I'll post a link for tomorrow)

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:28 pm
by IDAwHOa
How would you compare GS to Phil Hardy and his genre of whistle playing?

Does GS have a web site where we can get a feel for their music?

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:43 pm
by Duffy
GS is high energy, a hint of trad. rachous, bawdy entertainment. Phil is a whole nuther direction. GS does have a web site - easy search.

Kells will be in Milwaukee all four nights. I haven't seen them yet but they're on my list.

Sure wish they'd import some Irish beverages. Local brew rules.

Re: Thank you, Gaelic Storm

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:50 pm
by Firefly
Rando7 wrote:
FJohnSharp wrote:I have a chance to see the Kells in a few weeks, would you recommend them?
I saw the Kells about a year ago at a local Irish fest - they were <I>amazing</I>, as is their CD. I'd recommend checking out both!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 6:20 am
by Unseen122
Gaelic Strom is so great. :D

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 4:49 pm
by Michael Burke
Hi Everyone,
Just got back from Dublin Fest.
I saw the Kells and I thought they were great. Brian McCoy is one of the finest whistle and flute players I have ever seen. He can play the D at Warp Speed and the low D almost as fast and he can play with amazing skill in a slow air too. Don't miss them. Eddie Cotter is also a great drummer. Great band and lots of fun.