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OT Sort of Poll: United Pot Smokers

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 11:02 pm
by Cyfiawnder
Now that I have your attention :lol: how many of you have had Problems with UPS delivering your Packages... I personally have never Had a Problem with US-P.S., DHL, or FedEx

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 11:09 pm
by Cyfiawnder
Oh poop I spelt "our" wrong... Damn it why did the put the "t" next to the "r"?

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:11 am
by Darwin
I haven't had much of a problem with late deliveries and such from UPS, but have received lots of damaged packages, including boxes with great gaping holes punched in the sides.

The worst was after we had some new windows installed several years back. The screen for one of them was about a half inch too narrow, so the contractor had the factory send us a new one by UPS. It arrived bent and torn, so we sent it back. This was repeated about six times, with one kind of damage or another. Finally, the contractor--located up around Sacramento--sent someone to the factory--don't recall exactly where it was, but somewhere in Northern California--to pick one up and drive it all the way down to us in person.

I don't know why the factory couldn't use another carrier. Apparently they had "a rule". IIRC, the contractor offered to pay for FedEx, and the manufacturer refused. As it was, it took over a month for us to finally get our screen.

I was totally in awe of UPS by that time. I simply couldn't believe that they were completely unable to get a cardboad box halfway across the state without crushing, bending, puncturing it.

On the other hand, I've always had perfect service from FedEx, so I go with them whenever I have a choice. Actually, I've had pretty good luck with the US Postal Service, too.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:19 am
by Canbarelywhistle
My buddy at work just had his anniversary with his wife. He showed me this brilliant ring on that he planned on buying her. I cant remember how much it cost, but it was 3-5 hundred i think. A few days later he tells me the package from UPS arrived. I told him that that was pretty darn fast, but he then added that the box was torn open and the ring was missing from inside the little black velvet box. I guess his wife got the package before he got home and opened it. It was supposed to be a surprise for her. What a surprise! The item was missing from the haphazardly taped shut box with the packing slip still inside. She saw what the item was and flipped out.

HSN was apparently really cool and sent him a new item free of charge. They didnt sound surprised either, in fact they said that UPS has problems with internal theft all the time!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:34 am
by Cyfiawnder
The last thing that was sent to me UPS was parts for my car. Since I'm impatient I checked the tracking number daily. When I saw that the status said "Delivered." I was like um... no it wasn't. Then I noted the City... Bound Brook NJ... where the heck is that? The website even said Shipment to: Phillipsburg NJ, Delivered Garage, Bound Brook NJ. So I contacted the Company that sent the package and they Contacted UPS. UPS told them that the Package was delivered to the correct location, and Signed for, By the Recipient written on the Package. So the next day this older Fellow shows up at the house. He's got a Box with my name on it. He says... "I was out all day yesterday and I left my garage door open. I almost ran this over; UPS just tossed it in the Garage and took off." So not only was it not delivered to the right address, It wasn't Delivered in the Right town, Zip code or County! The fellow Lives at 12 Meadowview Lane, Bound Brook NJ, and the Package was going to my Fiancé’s House 12 Meadow Ave. Phillipsburg NJ. So they Basically Got the State, House number and Part of the Street name Correct, and then lied their arses off to cover up their error. When ever I order something now, I purposefully pick any shipping option that ISN'T UPS.
Now I recently ordered Carbon Tubing for my whistles. It was supposed to be delivered 6/30/04. So i waited and waited and waited... no deliveries. Now the website basically says "Oops, the Driver forgot to put your package in the truck...

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:42 am
by lonewhistler
...I've never had any trouble with UPS until this past Christmas. :roll:
Seeing as how I live in Arizona and my folks live in Pennsylvania (my home state), sometimes we can't get together for the Holidays. At those times, my folks UPS my Christmas loot to me here in Arizona. This has been done a couple of times with no problems. But, there's a first time for everything. The days just before Christmas come and go and there's no package from the folks. According to my parents, they've sent it in plenty of time for me to recieve the gifts by Christmas. Christmas Eve passes by and still no package. Well, needless to say, I never got the goodies. My Dad had even made some CD's of Christmas music that I was REALLY looking forward to listening to. I'll be waiting until next year. :lol:
The excuse from the UPS delievery person in the area? Couldn't find the address. Now, at this time my girlfriend and I were living in a VERY small town in Arizona. This place has one gas station, one bar, and zero stoplights, and about three restaurants. Not the sort of place where the UPS delievery person would get lost. Couldn't find the address!!!! :x

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 5:10 am
by brewerpaul
I've never had much of a problem at all with UPS. In fact the only one I recall was last week. I ordered something which I HAD to have by Thursday. This was on Tues, so I paid extra for second day delivery which they said would have it to me on time. Well, the package sat in an Ohio depot for a whole extra day which made them reschedule the delivery for Friday, at which time I would already have been out of town. However, I tracked the package and it arrived at our local distribution center on Thurs afternoon. They arranged for me to come pick it up before they actually opened on Fri, so I was able to take the package with me after all. Not optimal, but at least everything worked out. They will refund the extra fee too.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 5:51 am
by emmline
I rarely have problems with UPS. Recently we ordered three chairs. 2 arrived promptly, and 1 took a detour from PA to FLA, before getting here (Maryland,) but it came.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:32 am
by LeeMarsh
I've received perhaps 50-60 packages through UPS over the last couple of years. NO problems. Most have been sent UPS-Ground; and, have arrived a couple days early. Several UPS-Ground (5-7 days?) have arrive on the 3rd day.

The only time I've had trouble with anything shipped over the last decade, is when the packaging is inadequate for the item. It amazes me when some one sends 20 pounds of glass or ceramic items in a single ply cardboard box, with a little stuffed newspaper. That may work when you are moving the item by hand; but, sending it across the country for under $20 isn't paying for the special care the package requires.

It appears that most delivery systems have regional variations in quality. I guess I'm lucky, living in the Baltimore-Washington area, there is enough competition that most of the carriers are pretty reliable.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 7:03 am
by TelegramSam
I could choose quite a few of those, including "late", "Stomped on" and "the wrong package"...


Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 7:23 am
by glauber
It actually stands for: U Probably Shouldn't!

I'd never had any problems with FedEx until i had to ship an expensive flute to it's nervous owner. The thing was insured to $3,000, the guy lived in a perfectly normal address, but the FedEx truck driver couldn't find it. He said the street "wasn't in his map". There was a phone number in the package, but they didn't call it. They took the package back to their office and just let it sit there, it took some investigation to find out where it was.
At least it wasn't damaged, but the guy had to take a 2 hour drive to get it.

I think i've had trouble with every major shipper, including UPS, FedEx and the US Postal Service. But most of the time, each one of them works fine.


Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 7:27 am
by Walden
United Parcel Soakers
Untidy Parcel Snatchers
Unwitty Package Stompers
Unified Parcel Shakers
Undeliverable Parcel Swipers
Undisclosed Party Scene

Apologies to our teamster friend, Nate.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 8:18 am
by IDAwHOa
I usually ship reptiles and normally ship USPS Express for that purpose. Lately I have been shipping a lot of whistles ( go figger ). I have had issues with each of the shippers as well. One whistle I sent took 15 days to get to the person! I have also heard of many very horrible things about how all of the different shippers have handled the shipments of other's reptiles. Purposful harm to them in some cases. Hah, try to prove that.

Not to make any excuses, but the fact of the matter is if you ship enough items there is bound to be a problem at some point. Just like if enough of something is manufactured there is bound to be a less than perfect one.

Local quality of service is an issue as well.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 8:50 am
by Paul
We've been in business for over 42 years and we've used UPS as long as I can remember. Between shipments and deliveries I guess we use them about 1000 times a year. (twice a day, 5 times a week) I can honestly say that we don't have any problems at all with them. I even asked my Shipping and Receiving Clerk especailly for this poll. They are A-1 in my book. Very dependable.


Our UPS deliveryman has even bought a few Jeeps from us over the years.

*Edited to add that being in the car business, we don't deal in a lot of delicate items.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 10:56 am
by OutOfBreath
Several years ago I ran the maintenance department of a company that operated several entertainment sites all over the country. We had to ship a lot of very expensive electronic equipment. We stopped using UPS after they refused to pay up on an insurance claim for a $4500 video projector because "it wasn't packed in its original factory container." The original factory containers weren't stout enough for individual shipping (they appeared more designed to be banded in a clump on a cargo pallete) so we had packed it far better than the original factory container.

The real clincher in this, there were dual tire tracks across the crushed package! The factory packaging would have been flat as a pancake, our packaging at least held part of its shape (maybe our package damaged the UPS truck that drove over it and that's why they were hacked off).

Anyway, we switched to FedEx and never had another problem. And, since we were usually shipping one or two day anyway, the price was not that much more than UPS was charging.

A few years ago UPS delivered 2 guitars to my house at two different times (UPS was NOT my idea but it was beyond my control). The UPS guy left both of them sitting on the front porch, even though I was home both times! He didn't even bother to ring the doorbell to see if somebody might want to bring those large insured packages marked fragile in out of the weather and view of the street.

Out of all the insured packages I've received from UPS over the years, I've only had to sign for about a third of them, the rest have just been tossed on the porch or, in one case, left beside my mailbox at the street!