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How often do you buy whistles?

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 9:04 pm
by akhleung
Hi everyone,

sorry if this has already been asked. Anyway, although I'm a beginner, I already have four whistles (with a fifth on the way), and I keep wanting to get more so I can find a practice whistle that I really like.


Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 12:13 am
by TonyHiggins
I've sworn off buying more whistles several times and had to eat my words. (I can hear my wife's voice, "I thought you weren't buying any more whistles." And the inane blather I respond with. Embarrassing.) Over time, the time between purchases has lengthened. I don't see many purchases in the future. I am waiting on a C tube for an Abell. I have 4 nice whistles I got on trade at various times. Of course, if I make a couple of bucks playing the whistle somewhere, I feel like I ought to spend it on another whistle- get something I wouldn't otherwise have felt justified spending money on. I'm really curious what a low G Copeland sounds like. However, at the cost, I'll have to hear one up close before considering it.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 4:12 am
by Jens_Hoppe
Not as many as I used to... ;)

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 6:59 am
by Tyghress
Way the heck too often. When I first got into WhOA it was every 6 months. . .and over the intervening 2 years its shortened to about every month or so....recently I've had a whistle come in, either borrowed, traded or bought, every other week. But the pool of whistles that I want is shrinking. . .

Now what I'm looking for is a killer Bflat.

Anyone want to test my resolve?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 8:08 am
by madguy
Whenever I get the urge for a whistle I've read about here.


Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 9:30 am
by MarkB
Haven't in two years, and don't see any need for it in the coming future.


Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 10:13 am
by PhilO
I guess I buy cyclically. As an avid collector and devoted (if not top-of-the-line) player, I try to amass interesting well made whistles that I enjoy playing. After collecting dozens of whistles of all type and cost, I trimmed the herd of high enders I didn't play much and announced that I would only have Copeland and Abell whistles, because they are what I want and the best.

Guess what? There are some new makers and some I always wanted to try, so recently I ordered 4 new whistles in varying keys, bought one second-hand, and am in discussion regarding yet another Copeland in a key I lack. Of course, I also have O'Riordans on order, whenever and if Pat gets to them.

I love the music, the whistles and the community. I love the guy or gal that sits back with one cheapie and makes beautiful soulful music, yet still drool over people's beautiful high-end collections. This is great soothing fun!



Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 10:32 am
by kevin m.
I buy whistles more often than my lowly standard of playing warrants.Though I do have the 'excuse' that most of my recent purchases have been in the 'antique/vintage' field,rather than purely 'Players',if that makes sense! :D

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 3:49 pm
by RonKiley
I didn't vote because it is not a matter of time. It is the availablity of money. When I have it, I buy whistles. When I don't, I want to buy whistles. I used to think I might find a better whistle if I kept looking. I have found that the whistles I have play much better now than when I first started playing. There are a couple that I wish I had not tweaked until I had more experience. They may have been beautiful until I "improved" them. I now am looking to acquire a few good whistles. These are whistles that I have heard that I like the sound of. There are some high end whistles that I thought I wanted until I really listened to them. We have some new whistlesmiths that may produce something that I really want badly, for instance the new Ralph series of wooden whistles coming out of New York. Keep whistling.


Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 10:28 pm
by Ridseard
I haven't established a buying pattern. The last whistle I bought was over six months ago. I don't anticipate buying another one anytime soon, but who knows?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 1:42 am
by Martin Milner
Hehehe. I found a cure for my WhoA - it's called the fiddle.

Unfortunately I've now got a mild case of FOA - I keep seeing instruments on eBay that look interesting.Having just got a new Gliga instrument I think I'm cured for a while.

I do wish I had fewer whistles, because it would make the "which whistle do I play next" problem easier - and I'd spend more time playing & less time dothering.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 8:24 am
by chattiekathy
:lol: I had to vote hardly ever, Because I WIN them!!! :lol:


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 9:18 am
by IDAwHOa
I see that so far I am the only one that has selected every week. Well, I need to qualify that. I have only purchased 2 of my 5 whistles. 3 of them have been gifted to me and I truely appreciate that. This is what I have so far.

Goldie Low D
Gen D
Waltons D
Freeman Sweetone D
Alba D (just won in auction)

I have also been loaned:

Goldie D
Goldie C

We are finally starting to get a feel for the different characteristics that whistles have and that will make it a lot easier to select whistles in the future.

What do we like best so far? The Goldie low D. My wife likes the Waltons D best of the High D's so far. As one person stated earlier though, time and experience can change ones opinion of things so on with time.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 5:51 pm
by morning girl
I should never have told my Husband about WHoa or the sachels of whistles the first players I met had. I quote "You already HAVE a whistle."

For future planning - Any good sources in New England?

Just wait until I'm working again...

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 5:40 pm
by ravensdream
I have got WhOA soooo bad! Last weekend I bought 6 in one afternoon. The next day I went back to the same place and bought one for my grandson and another for my son - in- law! :boggle: I think I need serious help!