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10 Years Anniversary.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 2:22 pm
by Phil Hardy
Well I suppose its cause for celebrations,this year is Colin and my 10th year as whistlesmiths,I can't belive it's gone so quick.
I came across an old video of Bernard teaching me and Colin how to build an Overton so I've put up a clip in the Boigraphy section of the site ,look in whistlearchive.
Heres to another 10.

All the best


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 2:28 pm
by Bloomfield
I don't think you have any business putting up a video showing another whistlesmith's work. You are posting this without Bernard's permission, and a long time after Bernard revoked your license to make whistles like his. Very very bad style.

I think you should take it down ASAP.

P.S.: While we are talking about videos on your webpage: Most of them show musicians playing Overtons, and not your whistles. And do you get permission from the musicians before posting your bootleg clips?

P.P.S.: Did you clear this post with Dale?

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 2:46 pm
by skh
Uh - can't these people shown on alleged bootleg clips defend themselves, so that they really need a Bloomfield to do it for them? I must admit that bickering like this is most effective in keeping me from buying _any_ of the Overton-style family of whistles, genuine or not, and I don't know what good comes from trying to own the design of a musical instrument.

Oh well.


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 3:36 pm
by Switchfoot
"I packed an extra pair of shoes and your angry eyes, just in case"
Mrs. Potato Head, Toy Story 2

I think bloomys got a point about the bernard clip, even if its just for nostolgia's sake


Let that not detract from the purpose of this thread (which in my mind is not a commercial, but celebratory)

Congratulations on 10 years of whistle making, may you have that extra ten and may your whistles keep bringing joy to both player and audience for many years to come :D

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 3:44 pm
by peeplj

Congratulations! I hope you have many more years of whistle making.


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 4:00 pm
by MacEachain
Hi Sonja,
I wouldn't get too hung up about it. If you want an Overton, buy one, if you want a Chieftain, buy one , buy both, whatever. Cillian Vallely plays Chieftains, Sean Smyth plays Overtons, both play together in Lunasa. I doubt if they spend time bickering because of it.

Cheers, Mac

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 5:17 pm
by Paul
Congratulations, Phil! :party: :party: :party:

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 5:21 pm
by Hoosier Taylor

Congratulations! I hope to tell you this again ten years from now!


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 6:19 pm
by StevieJ
I think Bloomfield is quite right to call Phil out on this one. If he hasn't received Bernard's permission for posting this clip, it shouldn't be up there.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 7:26 pm
by blackhawk
StevieJ wrote:I think Bloomfield is quite right to call Phil out on this one. If he hasn't received Bernard's permission for posting this clip, it shouldn't be up there.
It'd be different if this were the first time Bloomfield was jumping on Phil Hardy. But a lot of us are just tired of "Bloomfield hates Phil Hardy" posts. We get it, Bloomfield. You hate Phil Hardy. Now get a life.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 8:21 pm
by jim_mc
blackhawk wrote: It'd be different if this were the first time Bloomfield was jumping on Phil Hardy. But a lot of us are just tired of "Bloomfield hates Phil Hardy" posts. We get it, Bloomfield. You hate Phil Hardy. Now get a life.
I think you're confusing Bloomfield with someone else, Blackhawk. Lots of folks have questioned Phil's practices, but only one person here really seems to hate Phil, and it isn't Bloomfield.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 12:18 am
by msheldon
Bloomfield wrote:Phil,
I don't think you have any business putting up a video showing another whistlesmith's work...
Get a grip Bloom, it's getting old.

First, you don't know that he *doesn't* have permission.

Second, you have no standing in the matter even if he doesn't. The only person who can rightfully complain is Bernard Overton, and possibly Colin Goldie. If you think this is wrong, fine, then talk to one of those folks. If they see fit to say something about it, then it's significant.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 1:37 am
by Brigitte
msheldon wrote:
Bloomfield wrote:Phil,
I don't think you have any business putting up a video showing another whistlesmith's work....

Get a grip Bloom, it's getting old.

First, you don't know that he *doesn't* have permission

HE certainly does NOT have permission!

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 1:51 am
by jim_mc
I've decided that I need to say something a little stronger in defense of Bloomfield.

Bloomfield has every right to question Phil's decisions and ethics. There is a well documented history of questionable behavior (putting it nicely) on Phil's part, in connection to his relationship with Bernard and Colin. It takes some nerve on Phil's part to post this clip on his site and then make his post on this site, both of which would lead the uninformed to believe that Phil still had some sort of connection to Bernard and Colin's work. Exploitative is the word I'd use to describe Phil's use of the clip, and his post here.

Lots of folks here haven't been around long enough to know the whole story, and it's not my business to post all of that, but there is a story, and a long one, and those who know it are distrustful of Phil's motives. Phil's recent CD giveaway built up a new image of him around here for those who aren't in the know. I hope it was sincere, and that Phil lives up to it, but past experience has shown that Phil is nothing if not a shameless self promoter. Over the last several incarnations of the board, 95% of his posts have been commercially motivated, and a good portion of the remainder have been self-defense.

I don't hate Phil, but I wouldn't do business with him (and wouldn't accept a free CD, either).

I'm not saying Phil doesn't have the right to make his posts (though I hope he's counting this one as his once-a-month commercial maximum), but don't try to deny Bloomfield (or Loren, or me) the right to object to Phil's claims or practices.

That being said, I think I'm going to take a vacation from here. If anyone has any fife related questions, e-mail or pm me. I'll check back in a couple of weeks.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 2:50 am
by DaveAuty
jim_mc wrote...
past experience has shown that Phil is nothing if not a shameless self promoter
Whats wrong with that? We all know that Phil wants to make a living by selling his whistles and giving away a CD is a great promotional ploy. I see no problem I wouldn't personally buy one of his whistles I much prefer Overtons but I accepted a CD and enjoyed it.

Putting on a video clip shouldn't really effect anyone other than giving a bit of free advertising to all concerned.
