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Folkish/Rockish Album with a lot of Whistle on it

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 1:47 pm
by Tom Dowling
I am very happy to announce that the album I co-produced with my most excellent friend, Chad Yarborough, has been launched. I am most grateful that Chad asked me to play on this album, which contains 12 of his original songs. We used a good recording studio right here in Brooklyn. I am happy to be a part of this endeavor. Chad is a fine singer/songwriter and guitarist. He is also as fine a friend as one could have in this life. I don't think many folks release their 'first' rock and roll album at the age of 73, so this is a big deal for me. Likewise, I don't know how many folks would be willing to take a penny whistle player (me) along with them on such an endeavor. I am joyous at having had the opportunity to be a 'whistle in the mast' of the schooner that is Chad's music. Hop on board and enjoy the ride. The album is currently available on CD Baby and I-Tunes. I think the snippets of each tune are a bit longer on the I-Tunes version. The title of the album is "A Whistle in the Mast" and refers to the 'singing sound' that the wind makes when blowing through halyards and such-like lines on sailing vessels. Chad is the sailor, not me. The CD Baby link is: On I-Tunes, just search on the title, Whistle in the Mast. I would like to acknowledge that the C & F community helped me get up and running with respect to playing the penny whistle, including finding a teacher and solid fellowship with a number of whistle makers and players over, roughly, the past two decades.

Thank you,

Tom Dowling

Re: Folkish/Rockish Album with a lot of Whistle on it

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 7:21 pm
by Byll
Tom: Congratulations to you and Chad on the release of your album, 'A Whistle in the Mast.' I have spent some time on CD Baby - listening - and it has been time well spent. When you and Chad go on your world performance tour, please stop in Pennsylvania, and perform for us in the Lancaster area. I must listen a second time and purchase some of the songs for my Subaru's flash drive. Be well, friend Tom.

Re: Folkish/Rockish Album with a lot of Whistle on it

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 1:20 am
by Tom Dowling
Hello Bill:

Thank you for those kind words. If you go to YOUTUBE and enter "Yarborough and Dowling" in the search window, all of the 12 songs--actually, 11 songs and one tune--will display. Look for the distinctive 'upside down' smiling young lady and you will be able to listen to each track in its entirety. Likewise on Spotify. Rumor has it that we get one billionth of a penny for each such play. Were we to assemble the three other personnel on the album--plus the five back-up singers--we could, in fact, play this stuff in public. We spent much of the summer at my kitchen table getting the tunes own to our satisfaction so that, when we got in the studio, we could get right to it. It was the first experience of this type for me and I am glad to have been along for the ride.

Be Well My Friend,

Tom D.