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I HATE ENYA!!!! ... and what brought this about

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 2:10 am
by John Allison
Two weeks ago I was asked if I would provide the "Irish music" for a themed church dinner tonight. I quickly found out that meant playing the pipes and whistle solo for only two hours! Since it was basically "mood music" I reached a compromise in that I would play a little and then provide a couple of homemade CDs for the rest of the time.

Two weeks were spent in preparation selecting the exact music to play and more to burn to CD.

Tonight I show up all ready to go only to find out that the daughter of the gentleman in charge has usurped the "entertainment" portion of the event and has brought her boombox and lifetime collection of Enya. Words cannot express, at this point in time, how much I now hate Enya!! It's not like I really liked her music to start with...but this just frosts the cake.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 2:28 am
by lilymaid
You can console yourself with the fact that the daughter of the gentleman obviously has horrendous taste. :)

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 3:19 am
by jim_mc
My niece recently told me that she was "getting into Irish music - just like you!" She went on to tell me that Enya was her favorite, well, that Enya was the only thing she knew about it. Normally I would have gone into rant mode, but since she's the only child of my favorite sister I let is slide.

Ugh! Music like Enya's is the reason I take the stairs.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 3:23 am
by kevin m.
Bad luck John-I bet you were fuming after the hard work that you put in.Why would anyone need "a lifetime collection of Enya c.d.'s"? I would have thought that one would suffice-All the Enya songs that I've heard sound the same to me! :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 4:10 am
by ScottStewart
Kinda reminds me of the time someone told me they were really into jazz, and all they had was John Tesh stuff. Sheesh! Makes about as much sense as a Kenny G Christmas album. :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 4:21 am
by Caj
Once I heard that Enya would be on The Tonight Show, and figured I had to tune in, just to see what she sounds like without giant piles of reverb and other effects.

This despite my immense dislike of the Leno show. "and also in the news, blah blah blah blah 4,000 year-old mummy blah blah blah BOB DOLE!!!" GGGGGhhhh, okay, this rant is over.

Anyway, the music starts, and there's Enya at a piano, singing into a microphone... under giant mountains of reverb. They put reverb on the mic. Plus a bevy of gauzy backup vocals and so forth, carefully creating the exact same sound you get on her albums, an effect that a friend of mine likens to having one's head in a fish bowl.

I wonder if she tours, and if she does, if her fans expect this exact same sound that they get on their CDs; or rather if they expect a live performance to sound more like people.


Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 4:34 am
by kevin m.
I bet she ROCKS live-especially on her Punk rock medley :o (now THAT'S something I'd like to hear!!) :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 8:02 am
by TelegramSam
Yea, enya needs to find a new job. The only song she ever did that I didn't hate totally was the one on the LotR soundtrack and she didn't write that one. :devil:

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 8:41 am
by MarkB
For me - Enya rhymes with enema or the effect thereof.


Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 9:55 am
by chas
I'm actually quite fond of Enya in moderation. I do have a problem that people consider her music Irish. I don't consider her music any more archetypally Irish than U2. It's space cadet music with a heavy pop element, more similar to Jean-Michel Jarre than to Planxty.

To answer Caj's question, she doesn't tour -- she hadn't performed live since her Clannad days until the last album came out, when she did a limited number of appearances, mostly or possibly all on TV. Since she plays virtually all of the instruments, heavily overdubs the vocals, and spends months mixing, she didn't think she could reproduce her sound live.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 10:19 am
by Isilwen
I kinda like her music... I have only one CD of hers (A day without rain), and I find it pretty nice when you come home from a long day at work and just want to relax and read. It's soothing to listen to.

Although, I agree; she isn't exactly celtic per se... more 'New Age' with a slight Celtic flavor...

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 10:37 am
by mamakash
Well, I like Enya . . . it's denfinatly not trad, though. She has her own place in the irish sound.
She hardly makes excellent albums throughout, though. I like four to five songs per album, but that's it. Her best album is Watermark, which must be over ten years old now. A day without rain was extreamly bland.
She has gotten commercial success . . . unlike alot of other "irish" musicians. Which is why U2, the Cranberries, Enya are all concered "irish" by the mass public. Of course, the mass public hasn't heard(or perhaps doesn't want to hear) good trad, but that's another argument.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 11:07 am
by Cees
I like Enya a lot, and was very sad when our car window was smashed to bits in the middle of the night and the one thing taken was our one and only Enya CD.

That said, I have not and never will think of Enya as "Irish" music. In fact, the first time I read a post here a few months ago that some people think her music is Irish, I was very surprised. I've always considered her New Age and put her in the same category as Yanni (whom I also love) and a few others.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 11:36 am
by Nanohedron
You have no idea how many times people have responded "You mean, like Enya or U2?" when I bring up the fact that I play Irish traditional music. Once I countered with "No, more like the 'Lucky CharmsĀ®' commercials but much better". :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 1:23 pm
by TelegramSam
Mention lucky charms in my presense again, and I'll strangle you. I'm sorry, but I cannot abide that goofy gnome elf leprechaun whatever cartoon thingy on those commercials. Most irritating damn thing on the television, except maybe the trix rabbit...