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Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:53 am
by Doug_Tipple
My resume is a complete mess. Maybe you can help me choose my true vocation. Right now I am a maker of PVC Irish flutes. But here is a partial list of my other jobs: church custodian, glass factory worker, life guard, industrial minerals lab. tech., Texaco seismic crew hand, prospector on Mexican border, 18 wheeler truck driver, day laborer, testing laboratory supervisor, personal attendant for quadrapalegic, hospital orderly, psychiatric aide for emotionally disturbed, epileptic teenagers, interviewer for U.S. Census Bureau, home appliance delivery person, bank teller, resident caretaker of Quaker meetinghouse, small business accountant, piano technician, optical lab technician, geochronology research person, high school math teacher. There is more, but some things I am not allowed to write here.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 3:08 am
by amar
i'm a medical doctor, apart from that i burp and f*rt sometimes.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:34 am
by jkrazy52
... all 31 pages in one sitting .... and I noticed that blackhawk is guilty of "bumping" it up every time. Didn't you ever hear what curiosity did to the cat, blackhawk? :wink:

After reading all the sterling credentials of fellow Chiffers, I almost hate to admit to running my own small payroll service. But it's fun, gives me more-than-reasonable free time ... and keeps me off the streets and in whistles (not Copelands, but I'm not complaining).

Pleased to meet y'all! Image


Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:43 am
by Tak_the_whistler
I'm a uni student....does this count as a day-job? :D

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 5:21 am
by claudine
Doug_Tipple wrote:My resume is a complete mess. Maybe you can help me choose my true vocation. Right now I am a maker of PVC Irish flutes. But here is a partial list of my other jobs: church custodian, glass factory worker, life guard, industrial minerals lab. tech., Texaco seismic crew hand, prospector on Mexican border, 18 wheeler truck driver, day laborer, testing laboratory supervisor, personal attendant for quadrapalegic, hospital orderly, psychiatric aide for emotionally disturbed, epileptic teenagers, interviewer for U.S. Census Bureau, home appliance delivery person, bank teller, resident caretaker of Quaker meetinghouse, small business accountant, piano technician, optical lab technician, geochronology research person, high school math teacher. There is more, but some things I am not allowed to write here.
That's ok, Doug. You win!

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 8:21 am
by missy
hadn't seen this thread before!

I'm a "senior researcher" in Snacks and Beverage Analytical/Microbiology for a major home consumer company......... other words, I'm a technoid grunt. :D

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 8:28 am
by TomB
[quote="rh moxa smoke smells very similar to cannabis, so that can be a problem.


Problem. :-?



Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 8:32 am
by izzarina
emmline wrote:Izzy, what do you publish? In another life, that might be my line of work. In this one, I'm trying to fulfill my astrological destiny, and create written works of value. Painful, but compelling.
Right now it's strictly Catholic books. We take old, out of print Catholic books and re-lay them out, give them a nice new cover, and get a few thousand printed...then hopefully we also sell them, but that always seems to be the trickier part! :wink: Catholic books are easier to do this with, really. More often than not, the copyrights have run out on the older books, and believe it or not, there is a market (albeit small) for these books. It's kind of a fun thing...taking old books and putting new life into them so others can enjoy them. I would love to see it develop into more than just Catholic books, really. Perhaps someday.
As for writing, I think your writing is wonderful. That's what I would have done in another life.....want to trade jobs? :wink:

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:13 pm
by rodfish
This IS a good thread! :)

Let's see, what is my "day job?" Well, on Sunday mornings I teach the adult Bible class at my church. Which is just about the most enjoyable thing I do. (Although, after 13 years at it I'm currently on a short sabbatical). (Never can remember how to spell that!?) :boggle:
I am also the husband of one and father of two, (21 and 17). (A role I actually enjoy a bit more than teaching! :lol: )
I love to fish and enjoy raising sugar gliders. (Do you know what they are?)
I have also contracted the compulsion to own just about every whistle out there; and to pay for this new all consuming passion, I make my living as an airline pilot; someone's got to do it. :)


Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:28 pm
by anniemcu
... day job... I'm a mom/wife first, ... and a free-lance graphic artist second, and design webpages. When not pursuing those, I make more moolah (not much either way, LOL, but more) playing the bass than the whistle.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:46 pm
by Will O'B
Me??? I'm a retired professional plate spinner and knife thrower. For a time I worked as a verb conjugator and sentence diagrammer while moonlighting as a freelance buffalo caller. Between that job and the plate spinning gig, I was busy getting a book of my photographs published entitled, "Dead Things That You Sometimes Find Alongside The Road." I made a few extra bucks during that era by collecting the dead things that I found alongside the road and turning them into mismatched fur coats for women of modest means. The really tough part about making the fur coats was getting the tire tracks on the furs to all run in the same direction. :boggle:

I either did those things for the last 25 years, or it was a really bad dream I had following that spicy Mongolian meatloaf dinner last night.

Will O'Ban

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:46 pm
by vomitbunny
Wow. I've been attacked. And I don't care. Man, these new anti-depressants WORK. ( ok, they arn't that new)
I spent the day sleeping, playing on the computer, and playing whistle. And getting paid for it. Life is good. Oh, and I did fix something. What I'm actually paid to do. (to a degree I'm paid to be there, in case stuff needs fixing)

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:11 pm
by hopkinsonline
Fascinating thread.

For my day-job I'm actually working in my field of study (B.A.; M.A.; SPHR) as a "Director of Human Resources" for a Fortune 500 company.

My full-time joys are being a husband and friend to my wife, a dad to our 3 boys, and enjoying music of all styles and cultures (playing, singing and listening).

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:59 pm
by toughknot
LPN in longterm care geriatrics.Single father of 2 boys 19 and 16 ,both of whom live with me, and both of whom will hopefully support me in my old age.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:08 am
by alespa
Since I can't think of anything near as humorous as my predicessors, I simply say that I run a one-man graphic design company, that occasionally puts together a team to work on specific projects too big for just me to handle. Since I work at home, I can whistle, when I have time, as long as it's not so much that my wife questions if I am actually working :)

I have two boys, 13 and 10, that don't live with me. But that's another subject.

Shouldn't we establish a Chiff & Fipple retirement plan so we can all retire early so we can actually get some good practice time in?