How many whistles do you own?

The Ultimate On-Line Whistle Community. If you find one more ultimater, let us know.
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Post by Nyghtshayde »

Just out of complete morbid curiosity... I have seen some mention they have 20.... 30.... or more whistles...

I cannot fathom having more than say.... oh... 50ish....Image
Im wondering if 20+ is normal, or if it goes much farther than this.

Image Shay...

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Post by Walden »

Well I don't have anywhere near one score.
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Tell us something.: Well, just trying to update my avatar after a decade. Hope this counts! Ok, so apparently I must babble on longer.
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Post by Jayhawk »

I'm down to only 1. Of course, I have a mess of home made and el cheapo flutes (plus one good one) as well as a nice fife.

We all have our little they WhOA or FlOA (did I capitalize the right letter there?).
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Post by Tyghress »

I'm counting 36, not including repeats (multi Feadog's for example), but including one 'give it a spin' that's on its way, and one 'in the works', Tyghre's whistles, a NAF and an Irish flute that's in the mail, and 3 that are either out on perma-loan, or in the process of being sold. Nearly half of the 35 whistles are soprano D's. One third of the total are inexpensive mass produced items (I refuse to call them cheap because it makes 'em sound worthless and they aren't) and 20% are wood.

{editted to up the count by could I have forgotten THAT one, I don't know!)
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Tell us something.: I used to be a regular then I took up the bassoon. Bassoons don't have a lot of chiff. Not really, I have always been a drummer, and my C&F years were when I was a little tired of the drums. Now I'm back playing drums. I mist the C&F years, though.
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Post by FJohnSharp »

About 6 I'd say, not counting the poison Oaks I have saved for posterity.
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Post by McHaffie »

only 6 different kinds.. Generation, Oak, Clarke, Waltons, Hoover, My own.

I've got a lot more whistles than 6, but only 6 different kinds.

Take care,

P.S. ... If I was Mr. Money bags... I admit I would probably own one of every make and key out there!!! :grin:
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Post by Sunnywindo »

Not nearly enough! :lol:

Really though, I basically have three... two Sindts and an O'Brian improved. I started with a Clarke original... but leaned my lesson when my young son got a hold of it and bent the mouthpiece out of shape. He now has his own whistles he "plays"... a Meg and a Generation. He's happy and hasn't even asked to look at my whistles in ages. Hoping to add to my family of whistles soon... as I said on an earlier post I'm currently "dreaming of a wooden whistle". :grin:
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Post by Chuck_Clark »

I refuse to count, much less list them. Last time someone started a thread like this it took me fifteen minutes to remember them all and had to edit the message five times for whistles I'd forgotten.

Suffice to say that I can count twenty without moving my head. Counting the collectibles, mistakes, eBay fliers and others I don't play for one reason or another would probably push me over the fifty, sixty or more if I count each tube in the sets.

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Post by ScottStewart »

I've pared down the collection to about 20, about 12 are cheapies. I only want 6 more whistles, a good A, Ab, Bb, low F, E, and Eb. Other than that I'm set.
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Post by Soineanta »

Three. A Sweetone, a Little Black, and a Generation Bb. I must say the Sweetone was my first, and still my favorite. A D/C Elfsong set will be joining my small menagerie soon as well. :grin:
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Post by spittin_in_the_wind »

Oh, my God, I have 8 whistles, and I didn't even know it! A Sweetone, Meg C and D, a Clarke original, Clare 2-piece, Generation F, Little Black, and a Dixon D with Brass Tuning Slide. I had no idea. Whoa! I started playing around Christmas....this is bad.

Right now I'm only really playing the Meg D and Dixon, with occasional forays into the others. Maybe I'm a sucker, but I'm really liking the Meg. I like its bare-bones look too, I got the "unfinished" model.

Someday, though, I'll get a really NICE whistle. The hard part will be deciding which one...

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Post by Paul »

5. 2 Sweet hearts: rosewood C & Maple G, Good generation D, Copeland Soprano D, beloved modified SweeTone D (dented & repaired with cleartape down the seam :grin: )

(edited to indicate that I don't have 5 Sweet heart rosewood Cs)

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Post by Bagfed »

<font color=blue>
Dixon non-tunable High D
Dixon non tunable low D
2 Asarkar High D's
one beyond repair Generation Blue High D
clark original D w/nasty diamonds
homemade copper/oak fipple plug High D
Mack Hoover very small bore High D
Black Sweetone D </font>

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Post by jonharl »

10- Feadog D, Clare D, Sweetone D, Oak D (funny tasting), Oak C, Generation Bb, Burke Brass Pro Session D, Water Weasel D, Susato Kildare D, Susato VSB D
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Post by Conley »

Currently, 3: Clarke Original D, Oak C, Oak D-(not only tastes funny, it stings! Anyone else notice that? Also, low octave-sounds great, higher octave-wow, horrible beyond belief, but worse in the C than the D)

Expecting, 2 more: LBW D, Feadog D

Then we'll see what happens.
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