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Computer Elbow?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:24 pm
by Chuck_Clark
Has anyone else experienced pain in their elbow, apparently tied to keyboard/mouse usage? Any ideas on how to handle it?

Re: OT: Computer Elbow?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:52 pm
by Jeff Guevin
Chuck_Clark wrote:Has anyone else experienced pain in their elbow, apparently tied to keyboard/mouse usage? Any ideas on how to handle it?
Yup, I have. Here are some ideas: Use your computer less. Look up some ergonomics tips online, and make sure your desk/keyboard/mouse are at a recommended height. Move your arms around now and then--don't keep them locked in typing/mousing position all day. When your elbow's not sore, do some light weight training, in case you don't already. Stop doing all those one-armed pushups. Don't wear plate mail to work every day. Remove the meat hooks from your arms. Stop throwing the remote at the TV every time GWB comes on.

Re: OT: Computer Elbow?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:59 pm
by Chuck_Clark
[quote="Jeff Guevin"] Use your computer less. [quote]

EEK! I meant reasonable ideas. :D

Re: OT: Computer Elbow?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 2:48 pm
by Jeff Guevin
Chuck_Clark wrote: EEK! I meant reasonable ideas. :D
Oh. Well, some of them were meant seriously, and actually really helped me when I had elbow pain. I leave determining which are actually helpful as an exercise for the reader.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:45 pm
by Leel
Hi Chuck - Yes, and might I suggest an official designation for the problem:


(Chiff And Fipple Painfull UH-elbow Syndrome) OK - CAFPES for you purists.

Anyway, I have found that by moving my mouse and pad 'higher' on my desk (further away form the edge) so that my entire fore arm and elbow rest on the desk top helps alot. Takes some readjustment, but its worth it.
I have also swiched to a roller-ball mouse which takes much less space to operate and I'm not moving my arm all over the place. 8)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:41 pm
by brewerpaul
A tennis elbow brace may be of some assistance. Also non-steroidal anti inflammatories such as Motrin, Aleve, etc. if your stomach will tolerate them.
Stubborn cases of this sort of thing may require physical therapy or "cortisone" injections. Mine was stubborn, and since I have the meds available in my office, I had my wife give me a shot yesterday, and today it feels tons better. Try the other things first though.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:53 pm
by Jim W
Where in your elbow is this pain located? The pain may be due to either muscles or nerves, with different suggestions applying to each.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 9:47 am
by mvhplank
I started developing carpal tunnel symptoms in my right wrist so I trained myself to use the mouse left-handed. Seems to have done the trick, and only took me about a day to adapt.

I didn't re-orient the mouse buttons, so anyone who needs to use my station can use it, and I don't have to readapt to someone else's station, just move the mouse.


Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 10:38 am
by Chuck_Clark
All reasonable questions and thanks. Something just occurred to me. This only started happening SINCE I tore my rotator cuff at the end of May. I'm looking at some sort of eventual surgery because the X-rays show extensive spurring and bone thickening in the shoulder area, but we're waiting for me to make it through an MRI to determine the extent of the tendon tear and exact nature of the surgery.

Could the two be related?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 10:43 am
by Rosee
It's possible. If you've been favoring the shoulder when doing things you could be putting strain on other parts of your arm.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 3:42 pm
by Jim W
Yep. In additon to what Rosee wrote, the brachial plexus (nerve conjunction from which all of the arm's nerves emanate) is in the shoulder area. Anything wrong in the shoulder area could impact the nerve, which can also cause elbow pain. Meantime, if it is nerve pain, you want to do what you can to lessen it. Might be the precusor to possible lasting damage.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 9:49 pm
by scottielvr
I make my living using a computer; was getting wrist pain and some elbow pain until I switched to a split, ergonomic keyboard, which helped a good deal. Now, some time later, I'm beginning to get more severe elbow symptoms which seem consistent with tendonitis/RSI. I've been trying NSAIDs and a brace, which have helped. I've also ordered a "handshake position" mouse from a company called Evoluent; I did this when I noticed that I was unconsciously holding my mouse sideways a lot to relieve the elbow pain. If you find that your elbow feels better when you hold your arm in handshake position, as opposed to rotating the hand into "normal" mousing position, you might benefit from a more ergonomic mouse. If this thread is still alive, I'll let you know how well the mouse works when I get it (it's on back order now--looks like lots of folks are having mouse issues!)

Feel better.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 10:34 pm
by Tony
I'm starting to feel pain in my right wrist that runs back to the elbow, probably from resting my arm on the desk. I'm left-handed using a mouse right handed... been doing this for years with no hand-to-eye coordination or dexterity problems. When the pain gets bad I sometimes switch the mouse to my left hand. This feels odd and is slower for me.
I bought a graphic tablet made by Wacom last week. It's the Graphire3 model size 6x8. Though I've only tried it for a few minutes, it seems to work well. I'm using the pen with my left hand (setup in mouse mode) and it replaces having to use the mouse with my right hand.
Since it runs from the USB port I can have both tablet and mouse operational or switch to the mouse supplied with the tablet. I installed a keybard tray today so I can experiment to see if it's better with the tablet below my keyboard or on the desk.


Street prices are around $150-200 for the 6x8 tablet.
It might be worth a look. ... tag=285240
c/net shopper has a few vendors listed