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Re: A sad Lir whistle story

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 5:52 pm
by DeTerminator
So after no further response from Lir after all of that, and the promise of them sending me another whistle head but not sending one, I decided it was time for me to either let the whistle sit as is, or see if I could make it more player friendly. I took a very sharp small knife and whittled off the offending protruding plastic piece of the underside of the head at the very tip that was the problem. Then I filed it to make it smoother. I could then play it without being annoyed or worse.

Personally I don't care for the touchy bottom end notes that want to break into the next octave. Otherwise it isn't a bad whistle, but not one that I grab to play very often Sometimes I do, and hope that I can redeem that drawback and like it more. I'll probably keep doing that here and there, but I have other whistles that I prefer to play more.

Re: A sad Lir whistle story

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 7:54 pm
by DeTerminator
Update from my last post: I did just play the Lir D whistle a bit, and it seemed more forgiving on the lower notes with regard to finicky octave jumping. I noticed this before with whistles, and have seen that mentioned here as well. It is best not to be too quick in judging a new(ish) whistle. I did that with my Wild Irish D whistle. I had what seemed to be better whistles as far as tone goes when I first got it, and it seemed to have a bit of a softer more mellow tone than what I was used to. Gradually I found myself grabbing it to play more and more for some reason. :D Now I appreciate what traits it has to offer much more than in the beginning.

Re: A sad Lir whistle story

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:17 pm
by jweaks
My Lír D whistle also arrived last November 2022 with a scuffed up mouthpiece tip. Also, there was separation between the inlaid silver and the plastic on the mouthpiece.
I emailed them pictures and they said send it back and they'll replace. That's what I did. I love the new whistle that arrived, after a month of it getting there and then getting one back to Texas.
The shipping cost me $25, a fourth of the cost of the whistle, which was darn near unacceptable to me, but in the end, it is a great whistle. Best one I own.